Governor (Nova Roma)

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A Nova Roman governor is a person appointed by the Senate to oversee the daily handling of a province.


Grades of governor

There are four grades of provincial governor
a. Proconsul or propraetor (Governor census points) 
A current sitting senator who is a member of the consulares (proconsul) or who is a member of the praetorii (propraetor).
b. Legatus pro praetore (Governor census points) 
A current sitting senator who is not a member of the consulares or the praetorii.
c. Praefectus (1st Rank Official census points) 
Not a current sitting senator but has been either consul or praetor.
d. Procurator (2nd Rank Official census points) 
Not a current sitting senator and has not been either consul or praetor.


The lex Vedia provincialis outlines the powers and duties of the provincial governors. These powers, as one would expect, are limited to the boundaries of the province. As in antiquity, a provincial governor has the honor of being preceded by six lictors. Edicta may be proclaimed on matters solely related to the day to day management of the province. They may also appoint provincial officials, but they must follow guidelines set out by the senate. The governor operates within the Ager Novus Romanus division of Nova Roma, see here for a fuller explanation of the nature of the divisions.

Legal precedence

Governors may be replaced at any time, and specially every year when the Senate examines their annual activity. A governor cannot challenge the authority of the Senate.

This consideration let aside, the governors have a wide competency, possessing imperium within the borders of their province. All community units within a province are ultimately subject to the imperium of the governor, notwithstanding whether they are self-governing communities or not.

Although they answer directly on the Senate, governors can be subject to the higher imperium of the central magistrates and other officers and officials of the Senate. A governor's local imperium applies as long as it does not enter into conflict with the higher imperium of any magistrate authorized by the Senate to exercise imperium within the province of the governor. All governors must obey all the commands of the Senate without fail, and must also obey all Senatus consulta ultima, leges, decreta, and Senatus consulta, and any edicta that have general affect throughout Nova Roma. Governors are strongly advised to obey any consular official request or a praetorian request, when the praetor acts in the place of the consules, or in the frame of their own special administrative competencies whose execution is necessary in the province. A province is not the personal domain of the governor, nor of the citizens resident within it. It is an integral part of Nova Roma, but does not have immunity from decrees of the Senate, nor does it exist in isolation from the Urbs Novae Romae.

Current Area Governors and other officials

The list of current governors and other Senate appointed area officials can be found here.

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