Religio Romana Public Ritual Record

In addition to ongoing private household Lararium rites by Nova Roma Citizens, our Priesthood has been performing State rituals to the Roman Gods since Nova Roma's founding in 2,750 ab urbe conditia (1988 CE).  These rites constitute the most direct governmental and cultural link link between the Nova Roman Republic and Roma Antiqua. 

As Nova Roman Provinces are located around the world and our Citizens often separated geographically, this "Religium Tabularium" serves as a permanent record of the efforts of the Priesthood on behalf of the Roman Gods and the Nova Roman community. It also provides full text of each rite done. 

This public record is a tribute to all who have volunteered to serve the Roman Gods on behalf of Nova Roma, as well as a ritual resource for our Citizens and all others interested in reconstructed ancient Roman rites. May the worship of the Roman deities be continued, and the Pax Deorum restored!

2,757 AUC, (2004 CE)

Friday, Jan 16 - Caerimonia Feriae Concordiae -  a rite to the Goddess Concordia, Performed by G. Iulius Scarus, Flamen Quirinalis et Pontifex. 

January 28 - Caerimonia Feriae Concordiae et Piaculi - an expiatory rite to Concordia performed by G. Iulius Scarus, Flamen Quirinalis et Pontifex

February 5 -  Caerimona Feriae Concordiae in Capitolio - a rite celebrating the founding of the Temple of Concord, performed by G. Iulius Scarus, Flamen Quirinalis et Pontifex. 

March 9 - Caerimonia Feriae Quinquatrus - The Quinquatria festival, sacred to Minerva, performed by C. Minucius Hadrianus, Minervae Templi Sacerdos, et Pontiff. 

March 14 - Caerimonia Equirria - A rite for the Equirria, a horse racing festival sacred to Mars, performed by Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus, Flamen Martialis, Pontifex et Augur. 

March 23 - Caerimonia Feria Tubilustrum- Ritual for the Tubilustrum, the polishing of the the military trumpets in honor of Mars and Minerva, performed by C. Minucius Hadrianus, Minervae Templi Sacerdos et Pontiff. 

April 19 - Caerimonia Cerialia - in honor of the Goddess Ceres on her festival day, performed by Gaius Modius Athanasius, Flamen Pomonalis et Augur. 

April 25 - Caerimonia Feriae Robigaliae - an agricultural rite to the numen Robigo to protect crops, performed by G. Iulius Scarus, Flamen Quirinalis et Pontifex. 

April 27 - Caerimonia Feria Floralia - ceremony to the Goddess Flora, performed by Gaius Modius Athanasius, Flamen Pomonalis et Augur. 







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