April 27th,  2004 - Caerimonia  Feriae Floralia

Gaius Modius Athanasius S.P.D.

This morning I conducted the caerimonia for the Floralia festival on behalf of
the Senate and People of Nova Roma. Offerings of incense, wine, and cakes were


Gaius Modius Athanasius
Flamen Pomonalis




Offering of Incense to IANUS.
Latin: Iane pater, te hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies volens
propitius mihi et Senatui Populoque Novaromanorum Quiritum.

ENGLISH: Father Ianus, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers, so
that you may be willingly propitious to me and the Senate and People of the
Novaromans, the Quirites.
[Incense is placed on the focus of the altar.]

Offering of Incense to IUPPITER
LATIN: Iuppiter Optime Maxime, rex Deorum, te hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces
precor, uti sies volens propitius mihi et Senatui Populoque Novaromanorum

ENGLISH: Iuppiter Best and Greatest, King of the Gods, by offering this incense
to you I pray good prayers, so that you may be propitious to me and the Senate
and People of the Novaromans, the Quirites.
[Incense is placed on the focus of the altar.]

Offering of Incese to IUNO
LATIN: Iuno Regina, te hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies volens
propitia mihi et Senatui Populoque Novaromanorum Quiritum.

ENGLISH: Queen Iuno, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers, so
that you may be willingly propitious to me and the Senate and People of the
Novaromans, the Quirites.
[Incense is placed on the focus of the altar.]

Offering of Incense to POMONA
LATIN: Pomona Dea, te hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies
volens propitia mihi et Senatui Populoque Novaromanorum Quiritum.

English: Goddess Pomona, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers,
so that you may be willingly propitious to me and the Senate and
People of the Novaromans, the Quirites.
[Incense is placed on the focus of the altar.]

Offering of Incense to MARS
LATIN: Mars pater, te hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies
volens propitius mihi et Senatui Populoque Novaromanorum Quiritum.

ENGLISH: Father Mars, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers, so
that you may be willingly propitious to me and the Senate and People
of the Novaromans, the Quirites.
[Incense is placed on the focus of the altar.]

Offering of Incense to QUIRINUS
LATIN: Quirine pater, te hoc ture ommovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies
volens propitius mihi et Senatui Populoque Novaromanorum Quiritum

ENGLISH: Father Quirinus, by offering this incense to you I pray good prayers,
so that you may be willingly propitious to me and the Senate and
People of the Novaromans, the Quirites.
[Incense is placed on the focus of the altar.]


Libation of Wine to IANUS
LATIN: Iane pater, uti te ture ommovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum,
eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto.

ENGLISH: Father Ianus, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were
well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine.
[Libation is poured on the focus of the altar.]

Libation of Wine to IUPPITER
LATIN: Iuppiter Optime Maxime, rex Deorum, uti te ture ommovendo bonas preces
bene precatus sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto.

ENGLISH: Iuppiter Best and Greatest, King of the Gods, as by offering to you
the incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored
by this humble wine.
[Libation is poured on the focus of the altar.]

Libation of Wine to IUNO
LATIN: Iuno Regina, uti te ture ommovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum,
eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto.

ENGLISH: Queen Iuno, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were
well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine.
[Libation is poured on the focus of the altar.]

Libation of Wine to POMONA
LATIN: Pomona Dea, uti te ture ommovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum,
eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto.

ENGLISH: Goddess Pomona, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers
were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine.
[Libation is poured on the focus of the altar.]

Libation of Wine to MARS
LATIN: Mars pater, uti te ture ommovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum,
eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto.

ENGLISH: Father Mars, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were
well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine.
[Libation is poured on the focus of the altar.]

Libation of Wine to QUIRINUS
LATIN: Quirine pater, uti te ture ommovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum,
eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto.

ENGLISH: Father Quirinus, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers
were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine.]"
[Libation is poured on the focus of the altar.]

[Hands are washed in preparation for the Praecatio.]


Offering of Incense to FLORA
LATIN: Flora Dea, te segetes floreant crescantque ut largitas agrorum
effundatur. Flores vigeant ut ordor dulcis earum decus gloriae tuae sit et poma
testimonium doni tui sint. Effunde omnia quae florent. Flora Dea, te hoc ture
ommovendo bonas preces precor, uti sies volens propitia mihi et Senatui
Populoque Novaromanorum Quiritum.

ENGLISH: Goddess Flora, may the crops blossom and grow to produce the bounty of
the fields, may the flowers blossom so that their fragrance may be an honor to
your glory, and let the fruit of the trees be a testament to your gift. Bring
forth all that blossoms. Goddess Flora, by offering this incense to you I pray
good prayers, so that you may be willingly propitious to me and the Senate and
People of the Novaromans, the Quirites.
[Incense is placed on the focus of the altar.]

Offering of Wine to FLORA
LATIN: Flora Dea, tibi fieri oportet culignam vini dapi, eius rei ergo hac
illace dape pullucenda esto.

ENGLISH: Goddess Flora, it is proper for a cup of wine to be given, for the
sake of this thing may you be honored by this feast offering.
[Libation is poured on the focus of the altar.]


Offering of Cakes and Libation Wine to FLORA
LATIN: Flora Dea, macte istace dape pollucenda esto, macte vino inferio

ENGLISH: Goddess Flora, may you be honored by this feast offering, may you be
honored by the humble wine.
[Offering of Cakes and Wine on the focus of the altar.]

Libation of Wine to QUIRINUS
LATIN: Quirine pater, uti te ture ommovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum,
eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto

ENGLISH: Father Quirinus, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers
were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine.
[Libation of wine is poured on the focus of the altar.]

Libation of Wine to MARS
LATIN: Mars pater, uti te ture ommovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum,
eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto.

ENGLISH: Father Mars, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were
well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine.
[Libation of wine is poured on the focus of the altar.]

Libation of Wine to POMONA
LATIN: Pomona Dea, uti te ture ommovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum,
eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto.

ENGLISH: Goddess Minerva, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers
were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine.
[Libation of wine is poured on the focus of the altar.]

Libation of Wine to IUNO
LATIN: Iuno Regina, uti te ture ommovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum,
eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto.

ENGLISH: Queen Iuno, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were
well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine.
[Libation of wine is poured on the focus of the altar.]

Libation of Wine to IUPPITER
LATIN: Iuppiter Optime Maxime, Rex Deorum, uti te ture ommovendo bonas preces
bene precatus sum, eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto
ENGLISH: Iuppiter Best and Greatest, King of Gods, as by offering to you the
incense virtuous prayers were well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by
this humble wine.
[Libation of wine is poured on the focus of the altar.]

Libation of Wine to IANUS

LATIN: Iane pater, uti te ture ommovendo bonas preces bene precatus sum,
eiusdem rei ergo macte vino inferio esto.
ENGLISH: Father Ianus, as by offering to you the incense virtuous prayers were
well prayed, for the sake of this be honored by this humble wine.
[Libation of wine is poured on the focus of the altar.]

Libation of Wine to VESTA
LATIN: Vesta Dea, custos ignis sacri, macte vino inferio esto.

English: Goddess Vesta, guardian of the sacred fire, be honored by this humble
[Libation of wine is poured on the focus of the altar.]

LATIN: Ita vultis, ita est!
ENGLISH: As You will, so it is!

LATIN: Illicet
ENGLISH: It is permitted to go.

[Some of the wine and cakes are profaned and shared by those in attendance. ]


Since the historical caerimonia of the Floria festival is lost in antiquity, a
piaculum is appropriate. If anything within the caerimonia offended Flora, an
offering of wine is made as atonement.

Final Libation of Wine to FLORA
LATIN: Flora Dea, si quidquam tibi in hac caerimonia displicet, hoc vino
inferio veniam peto et vitium meum expio.

ENGLISH: Goddess Flora, if anything in this ceremony is displeasing to you,
with this humble wine I ask forgiveness and expiate my fault.
[Libation of wine is poured on the focus of the altar.]



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