Census MMDCCLXXII Statistics

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The main goal of the census is to determine accurately the number of citizens who make up Nova Roma. This page is dedicated to the census of the year Q. Arrio P. Annaeo cos. MMDCCLXXII a.u.c.

I. The yearly statistics of citizenship applications is the following:

1998 - 152

1999 - 143

2000 - 381

2001 - 589

2002 - 731

2003 - 891

2004 - 682

2005 - 516

2006 - 678

2007 - 795

2008 - 685

2009 - 582

2010 - 590

2011 - 557

2012 - 426

2013 - 344

2014 - 293

2015 - 345

2016 - 281

2017 - 215

2018 - 189

2019 - 147

2020 - 242

II. Out of the applicants, the following data show who received and kept their citizenship to this date. The yearly statistics of the current active census registered citizens from those applications:

1998 - 13

1999 - 7

2000 - 19

2001 - 26

2002 - 34

2003 - 25

2004 - 31

2005 - 39

2006 - 33

2007 - 29

2008 - 32

2009 - 38

2010 - 49

2011 - 72

2012 - 48

2013 - 45

2014 - 36

2015 - 72

2016 - 70

2017 - 50

2018 - 48

2019 - 47

2020 - 61

The gender statistics of the current active census registered citizens:

Female citizens: 161
Male citizens: 750


Nova Roman provinces

The number of citizens by Nova Roman provinces (old provincial system before October change, not the current, larger, combined provinces), starting with the provinces with the most significant Nova Roma presence:

No Nova Roman Province Countries; territories Number of Citizens Observations
1 Pannonia Reps. of Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia and Czech Rep. 60 -
2 Britannia United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, without Northern Ireland 42 -
3 Marcomannia Czechia and Slovakia 38 -
4 America Noveboracensis U.S.A states of U.S. States of New York and New Jersey. 36 -
5 Italia Rep. of Italy, Vatican, San Marino, Malta and the Italian-speaking Swiss territories 36 -
6 Australia Commonwealth of Australia and New Zealand 35 -
7 America Texia U.S.A states Texas and Oklahoma. 31 -
8 Hispania Rep. of Portugal and Kingdom of Spain 30 -
9 Sarmatia Ukraine, Russian Federation, Rep. of Belarus, and the Transnistria (East Bank of river Dniestr) 24 -
10 America Desrta U.S.A states of Arizona, Nevada and Utah. 23 -
11 Mediatlantica U.S.A states of Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, and the District of Columbia 22 -
12 Georgia Florida U.S.A states of Georgia and Florida. 22 -
13 Gallia Kingdom of Netherlands, Grand-Duché of Luxembourg, Kgd of Belgium, Rép. Française, Principality of Monaco, French-speaking Swiss territories, without the German-speaking territories of Belgium, except French overseas territories 22 -
14 California Angelensis --- 21 -
15 Nova Britannia Ulterior --- 21 -
16 Brasilia Fed. Rep. of Brazil 19 -
17 Carolina --- 18 -
18 Germania Rep. of Germany, of Austria and Principality of Liechtenstein, the German-speaking territories of Switzerland and Belgium 18 -
19 Ohio --- 17 -
20 America Transappalachiana --- 17 -
21 Canada Citerior Prov. of Ontario, Québec, Labrador-Terre Neuve, New Brunswick, New Scotland 16 -
22 Virginia US State of Virginia 15 -
23 America Cismississippiana --- 14 -
24 Thule Rep. of Iceland, Kingdoms of Norway, Sweden, and Denmark, Rep. of Finland 13 -
25 America Oregonensis --- 13 -
26 Nova Hispania United Mexican States, Belize, Republics of Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, and Panama 11 -
27 Nova Britannia Citerior --- 11 -
28 California Franciscensis --- 11 -
29 America Gallica --- 10 -
30 Argentina Argentine Republic, Rep. of Paraguay, Oriental Rep. of Uruguay 10 -
31 America Missuriensis --- 8 -
32 Canada Ulterior Prov. of Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, British Columbia, and Yukon, Northwest and Nunavut Territories 9 -
33 America Mississippiensis --- 8 -
34 America Hispanica --- 8 -
35 Dacia Rep. of Romania and Rep. of Moldavia to river Dniestr 7 -
36 Columbia --- 7 -
37 Alasca et Havaia --- 6 -
38 Lacus Magni U.S.A states of Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan, Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, and West Virginia 5 -
39 America Nebrascensis --- 4 -
40 Nipponia Emp. of Japan 2 -
41 America Montana --- 2 -
42 Minnesota --- 1 -
43 America Austroccidentalis --- 1 -
44 Hibernia Island of Ireland (Rep. of Ireland and U.K. Northern Ireland) 1 -
45 Guria Both Koreas 1 -

Countries with Nova Roman presence

The number of citizens by country, starting with the countries with the most significant Nova Roma presence:

No Countries; territories w/Nova Roman presence Number of Citizens Observations
1 US 418 -
2 HU 60 -
3 IT 37 -
4 UK 37 -
5 AU 31 -
6 CA 31 -
7 CZ 30 -
8 ES 26 -
9 RU 23 -
10 BR 19 -
11 DE 12 -
12 AR 10 -
13 FR 10 -
14 MX 10 -
15 IE 9 -
16 BE 8 -
17 TR 8 -
18 RO 7 -
19 BG 6 -
20 IN 6 -
21 SE 6 -
22 SK 6 -
23 CO 5 -
24 FI 5 -
25 PH 5 -
26 PT 5 -
27 ZA 5 -
28 CH 4 -
29 CL 4 -
30 NL 4 -
31 NZ 4 -
32 AT 3 -
33 CN 3 -
34 HR 3 -
35 IL 3 -
36 PK 3 -
37 SG 3 -
38 BY 2 -
39 CR 2 -
40 FX 2 -
41 GR 2 -
42 JP 2 -
43 KR 2 -
44 MA 2 -
45 PE 2 -
46 PR 2 -
47 VE 2 -
48 YU 2 -
49 GR 1 -
50 AE 1 -
51 CY 1 -
52 DK 1 -
53 EC 1 -
54 GU 1 -
55 ID 1 -
56 IS 1 -
57 JO 1 -
58 KE 1 -
59 KZ 1 -
60 MK 1 -
61 MY 1 -
62 NG 1 -
63 NI 1 -
64 NO 1 -
65 PL 1 -
66 SA 1 -
67 TF 1 -
68 UA 1 -
69 UM 1 -
70 UY 1 -
Totals: 70 913 -

Other Totals

  • The numnber of senators registered on the census is 14.
  • The number of equestrians registered on the census is 62.
  • The number of patrician citizens registered on the census is 68.

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