Res Publica Nova Romana

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== Republic and Corporation ==
== Republic and Corporation ==
The Nova Roman Republic is legally incorporated as a nonprofit educational and religious organization, [[Nova Roma, Incorporated|Nova Roma, Inc.]], and the structure and activity of the Republic are always identical with those of the Corporation.
The citizens of Nova Roma own a corporation, [[Nova Roma, Incorporated|Nova Roma, Inc.]], in order that we can do business with the organizations and authorities of the world outside Nova Roma. This corporation has been legally incorporated as a nonprofit educational and religious organization in the State of Maine, USA, but, at the moment, it is separate from the Republic, even though the members of the corporation are largely the same as the citizens of the Republic. The Nova Roman Republic is currently working as a free commonwealth of the community of Nova Roman citizens, and it is not equivalent to the Nova Roma Corporation, like it was before {{2016}}. The reason for this separation is that the corporation currently has some problems with its legal status within the State of Maine, USA, and our community is working on the solution and reformation of its structure, and hopefully Nova Roma will have a completely working corporation in the near future, which will be integrated into the frames of the Republic.
Learn more in our [[FAQ]].
Learn more in our [[FAQ]].

Revision as of 17:06, 30 August 2019


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Nova Roma is an international organization dedicated to the study and restoration of ancient Roman culture. From its founding until it ceased to be the center of Imperial authority Rome laid the foundation for our modern Western civilization. Founded 2,750 years after the Eternal City itself, Nova Roma seeks to bring back those golden times, not through the sword and the legions, however, but through the spread of knowledge and through our own virtuous example.

Republic and Corporation

The citizens of Nova Roma own a corporation, Nova Roma, Inc., in order that we can do business with the organizations and authorities of the world outside Nova Roma. This corporation has been legally incorporated as a nonprofit educational and religious organization in the State of Maine, USA, but, at the moment, it is separate from the Republic, even though the members of the corporation are largely the same as the citizens of the Republic. The Nova Roman Republic is currently working as a free commonwealth of the community of Nova Roman citizens, and it is not equivalent to the Nova Roma Corporation, like it was before Cn. Lentulo Alexandro T. Domitio cos. MMDCCLXIX a.u.c.. The reason for this separation is that the corporation currently has some problems with its legal status within the State of Maine, USA, and our community is working on the solution and reformation of its structure, and hopefully Nova Roma will have a completely working corporation in the near future, which will be integrated into the frames of the Republic.

Learn more in our FAQ.

Provinciae - Provinces
Nova Roma is divided into a number of provinciae. A provincia can comprise a single country or several, or on the other end of the spectrum, can be made up of sub-national units from a single country. Unlike provinces of Canada or American states, Nova Roman provinciae are creations of the Senate, the 'national' governing body. The Senate, under the Lex Vedia Provincialis, can create a new provincia or combine existing ones by Senatus Consultum. The Senate also has the power to appoint and replace governors.
Aerarium Saturni - Financial Documents
The Nova Roma Aerarium Saturni is the repository for all the official financial documents of the State. All official documents and treasury reports of the quaestors are available for the perusal of all at any time.
Citizens of Nova Roma form a social structure with patricians and plebeians, equestrians and senators, with classes, centuries and tribes that pretty much reconstruates the ancient Roman society, and makes our citizens feel in a thoroughly Roman community environment.
Magistrates and the Senate

Elected annually by the comitia, our magistrates are the executive officers of the Nova Roman Republic. Our magistracies are as close to those of the Roman Republic as we can make them.

Senators are appointed by the censors. Our Senate is patterned after that of the Old Republic as well.
Laws, Edicts, Constitution

The legal system of Nova Roma is modeled on that of ancient Rome.

The Nova Roman legal system includes the legal texts applicable to and inside Nova Roma. It is composed not only of the laws adopted by the comitia, the assemblies of Nova Roma, but also of senatus consulta, pontifical decrees and magisterial edicts.
Annals of Nova Roma
Read the Annals of Nova Roma, from its founding in Fl. Vedio M. Cassio cos. MMDCCLI a.u.c. to the present.