Senatus consultum de provinciis examinandis et ordinandis annis C. Cethego Q. Arrio coss. et M. cotta C. Petronio coss. (Nova Roma)

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Tabularium of Nova Roma

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Declaration - Constitution
Leges - Senatus Consulta - Decreta - Edicta

Codex Iuris Novae Romae


This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.

Passed by the Senate of Nova Roma
Yes: 12 No: 0 Abs.: 0
Kal. Iun. M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c.

I. Evaluation of the period Kal. Apr. Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. to Kal. Apr. C. Cethego Q. Arrio cos. (IV) (April 1, 2022 – April 1. 2023)

Provincial reports submitted in the first round are located and publicly accessible at the following page on our website:

A. After hearing the reports of the governors of the provinces of the Nova Roman People, the Senate has conducted the evaluation of the provinces according to the rules and parameters prescribed by law, and issues the following evaluation of the provinces for the period between Kal. Apr. Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. to Kal. Apr. C. Cethego Q. Arrio cos. (IV) (April 1, 2022 – April 1. 2023):

1. Marks
America Hispanica: unsatisfactory
Australia: unsatisfactory
Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae: active
Scythia et Russia: unsatisfactory
Thracia: active

2. Notes
The marks above have been automatically given by the calculation method prescribed in law. The status mark “unsatisfactory” is only temporary and reflect on the state of being as of Kal. Apr. C. Cethego Q. Arrio cos. (April 1, 2023).

B. The senate does not decree about any instruction in connection to this evaluation because this period is over and decisions are now made based on the next period's evaluation, see Section II.

II. Evaluation of the period Kal. Apr. C. Cethego Q. Arrio cos. (IV) to Kal. Apr.M. Cotta C. Petrinio cos. (April 1, 2023 – April 1. 2024)

Provincial reports submitted in the first round are located and publicly accessible at the following page on our website:

A. After hearing the reports of the governors of the provinces of the Nova Roman People, the Senate has conducted the evaluation of the provinces according to the rules and parameters prescribed by law, and issues the following evaluation of the provinces for the period between Kal. Apr. C. Cethego Q. Arrio cos. (IV) to Kal. Apr.M. Cotta C. Petrinio cos. (April 1, 2023 – April 1. 2024):

America Hispanica: unsatisfactory
Australia: unsatisfactory
Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae: excellent
Thracia: active

B. The Senate has accepted the request from the dux of Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae, and in that capacity, legatus pro praetore of Gallia and Germania, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus to separate the the subprovince called Britannia from the Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae and to re-establish Provincia Britannia as an independent, full province. The Senate congratulates the dux et legatus pro praetore Britanniae Cn. Cornelius Lentulus for the successful reorganization of Provincia Britannia.
C. The Senate hereby appoints consul C. Petronius Stephanus Turpilianus as governor of Provincia Britannia under his consular imperium.
D. The Senate appoints Cn. Cornelius Lentulus as legatus to Provincia Britannia and to the governor of Provincia Britannia as an assistant vice-governor to ensure the transition process.
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