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Roman calendar
Roman dates
Kalends - Nones - Ides
Nundinae - Feriae
·Nova Roma·
Fasti Novi Romani
Calendar for the current year
Dies atri - Market days
Annals of Nova Roma
Current events
Today is a.d. V Id. Sept. ‡ M. Cotta C. Petronio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXVII a.u.c..
Daily Roman Calendar
Nova Roma offers its citizens a daily calendar posting which you can access from here:
Calendar in ancient Rome
- Description of how Roman dates work
- Description of the different kinds of days in the calendar
- A list of the feriae (festivals)
- Article about Nundinae (Market Days) in the Roman calendar
About our Nova Roman calendar
- Pontifical decree about the perpetual calendar of Nova Roma as decreed by the pontifices.
- Decree on the different kinds of days in the calendar, by the pontifices.
- Feriae officially celebrated by Nova Roma as recommended by the pontifices.
- List of Nundinae (Markets Days) and Nundinal activities in Nova Roma