Vigintisexviri overview
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Revision as of 01:04, 27 November 2008 by Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus (Talk | contribs)
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Overview of "Vigintisexviri"
The vigintisexviratus is a college of the lowest elected magistrates and the name of their office literally means "Twenty-Six Men". There are various magistrates collectively called viginisexviri. Learn more...
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Vigintisexviri in Roma Antiqua
The vigintisexviri was a college of minor magistrates in the Roman Republic and the name literally means "Twenty-Six Men". The college consisted of:
Vigintisexviri in Nova Roma
One of the lowest elected offices of Nova Roma. They are:
Selected links (Roma Antiqua)
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Selected links (Nova Roma)
Vigintisexviri projects
Overview of other magistracies
Magistracy overview portals: All magistracies - Consul - Praetor - Censor - Aedilis - Quaestor - Vigintisexvir - All portals