Praeco (Nova Roma)

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Apparitores of Nova Roma

· Album Decuriarum Apparitoriarum ·


A praeco (pl. praecones) was a herald or public crier in ancient Rome, responsible for communication between the magistrates and the public. In Nova Roma, praecones have approximately the same function. The main job of a praeco, besides the duties of a herald and public crier, are tasks related to communication, publicity, networking and information. They are not necessarily limited to this kind of work and variations of the role can exist as determined by the appointing magistrate.

Praecones can be appointed by any magistrate having the ius edicendi or by anyone who has been granted this right by any law. Interpretes shall be considered as a subtype of the praecones.

One of the typical jobs to which praecones are appointed as to work as public broadcasters at the Nova Roma Twitch Channel where they serve under the authority of the curator rei informaticae and under the management of the praefectus appointed to the Channel as editor-in-chief.

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