Nova Roma, Incorporated

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The gold SPQR in a gold wreath on a crimson field is the use-protected trademark of Nova Roma, Inc.‎

The Republic of Nova Roma, as a spiritual nation and symbolic state, lawfully and officially exists in the form of a 501(c)3 non-profit educational and charitable organization incorporated in the state of Maine, USA.

Nova Roman citizens are members of this corporation.

Our magistrates are the officers of the corporation:

  • 1. the consuls of Nova Roma are the presidents of the corporation;
  • 2. the praetors of Nova Roma are the vice-presidents of the corporation;
  • 3. the censors of Nova Roma are the secretaries of the corporation;
  • 4. the aediles of Nova Roma are deputy secretaries and culture and community directors of the corporation;
  • 5. the quaestors of Nova Roma are the treasurers and assistant directors of the corporation;
  • 6. the tribunes of the plebs of Nova Roma are the members' advocates of the corporation;
  • 7. the governors of the provinces of Nova Roma are regional presidents of the corporation;
  • 8. the priests of Nova Roma are directing cultural officers of the corporation.

The Senate is the Board of Directors. The consuls appoint a CEO; the Senate appoints a CFO and a CIO.

The Comitia are the General Assembly of the Members of the Corporation of Nova Roma, Inc.

The Constitution of Nova Roma serves as the Bylaws for Nova Roma, Inc.

Articles of Incorporation

These are the current Articles of Incorporation in US Maine with its amendments. You can learn more about the incorporation and about our previous incorporation in New Hampshire.

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