Comitia (Nova Roma)

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State councils

·The People's Assembly·
Comitia Curiata
Comitia Centuriata
Comitia Populi Tributa
Comitia Plebis Tributa

The Senate

Collegium Pontificum
Collegium Augurum

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Comitia are formal assemblies of the citizens, convened by magistrates and having the power to make authoritative expressions of the will of the people. There are four comitia.


Comitia curiata

The comitia curiata (curiate assembly) is the oldest recorded comitia in Rome. It dates from the time of the Kings; by the late Republic it had become largely ceremonial. The members of the comitia curiata are Nova Roma's lictors (lictores curiati), convened and presided over by the pontifex maximus. The duties of the comitia curiata are to invest elected and appointed magistrates with imperium, witness the appointment of the official priests and priestess of the sacra publica Romana, and ratify some adoptions, wills, and changes of status.

Comitia centuriata

The comitia centuriata is one of three voting assemblies within Nova Roma. The main function of this assembly is to elect the year's two praetores, two consules and one of the two censores. It is sometimes called to vote during the year on laws, but this function is usually performed in the comitia populi tributa. It is also empowered to try legal cases in which a citizen is subject to permanent removal of citizenship.

Comitia plebis tributa

The comitia plebis tributa (tribal assembly of the plebs) or concilium plebis (assembly of the plebs) is made up of all plebeian citizens, grouped into their respective tribes. It elects both the plebeian aediles and the tribunes of the plebs. It is also empowered to enact laws binding upon the entire citizenry (called plebiscites) and to try legal cases solely involving members of the plebeian order that do not involve permanent removal of citizenship.

Comitia populi tributa

The comitia populi tributa (tribal assembly of the people) or comitia tributa (tribal assembly) is made up of all citizens, grouped into their respective tribes. It is empowered to elect the quaestors and curule aediles, and to enact laws and to try legal cases that do not involve permanent removal of citizenship. The comitia populi tributa is governed by lex Tullia de comitiis habendis.

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