Senatus consultum de provinciis examinandis et ordinandis (Nova Roma)

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Tabularium of Nova Roma

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Codex Iuris Novae Romae


This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.

Passed by the Senate of Nova Roma
Yes: 19 No: 0 Abs.: 0
a.d. XIII Kal. Dec. Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. MMDCCLXXV a.u.c.

The senate has received, acknowledged and examined the provincial reports of the governors about the period between Kal. Apr. Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. and Kal. Apr. Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. (April 1, 2021 – April 1. 2022), that are located and publicly accessible at the following page on our website:

Provincial reports Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) consulibus

I. After hearing the reports of the governors of the provinces of the Nova Roman People, the Senate has conducted the evaluation of the provinces according to the rules and parameters prescribed by law, and issues the following evaluation of the provinces for the period between Kal. Apr. Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. and Kal. Apr. Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. (April 1, 2021 – April 1. 2022):

A. Marks

Italia: unsatisfactory
America Cismississippiana: unsatisfactory
America Hispanica: abandoned
America Noveboracensis et Mediatlantica: unsatisfactory
America Transmississippiana: unsatisfactory
Australia: unsatisfactory
Brasilia: unsatisfactory
California: unsatisfactory
Canada: abandoned
Dacia: unsatisfactory
Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae: active
Hispania: abandoned
Lacus Magni: unsatisfactory
Marcomannia: unsatisfactory
Nova Britannia: active
Nova Hispania: unsatisfactory
Pannonia: excellent
Sarmatia: unsatisfactory
Scythia et Russia: unsatisfactory
Thracia: active

B. Notes

The marks above have been automatically given by the calculation method prescribed in law. The status mark “unsatisfactory” or “abandoned” are only temporary and reflect on the state of being as of Kal. Apr. Sex. Lucilio (II) A. Tullia (II) cos. (April 1, 2022). Several provinces would receive better marks if evaluated at a later, and will receive better marks next year. The purpose is to encourage the lower rated provinces to recruit more members, perform more activities, offer more programs, and to become an active community that is an asset to the country where the province is located. The higher requirements reflect our move to a higher standard within Nova Roma, in order to advance our mission. Governors facing challenges are encouraged to ask the help of the senate and the government of Nova Roma in developing their province.

II. The Senate has accepted the requests of America Noveboracensis et Mediatlantica, Australia, Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae and Nova Britannia to waive the requirement of two provincial meetings with at least 5 resident citizens (Requirement 3), and thus the Senate considers this requirement waived for these provinces. This has been considered when assigning the evaluation marks in Section I.

III. The Senate has accepted the request from the dux of Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae, and in that capacity, legatus pro praetore of Gallia and Germania, Cn. Cornelius Lentulus to separate the Netherlands from Gallia and to incorporate it to Provincia Germania, due to linguistic and cultural reasons. Hereby the borders between these two provinces are redefined, and Netherlands belongs to Germania from this day on.

IV. The Senate has accepted the request from proconsul T. Domitius Draco to start a process of name change for Provincia America Noveboracensis et Mediatlantica, and the Senate mandates the proconsul to hold a survey within the total population of the province, by sending out a mass-email to all citizens, which among the following name proposal are the most popular: America Noveboracensis, America Washingtoniensis, America Britannica and America Mediatlantica.

V. Due to the inactivity and fall of the provincial government in Hispania, the province is suspended as a legal entity and it is incorporated as a territorial subdivision within the Dioecesis Europae Celticae et Germanicae for reorganization.

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