Roman Reenactment Army of Nova Roma

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The reenactment legions of Nova Roma serve as honor guards at our public events, and educational action groups spreading knowledge about Roman history and material culture as evidences by archaeology, but also about Romanitas in general: Roman religion, culture and virtues. Reenactment legions fulfill the sacred mission of honoring Roman military tradition, the Roman virtues, the memory of Roman ancestors who lived and died in the military. Reenactment performances are important ceremonial tributes (a particular type of ritual indeed), which bring back and honor the memory of the Roman people, Roman culture and cultus, while offering excellent living history educational service to the wider audiences of festivals, museums, archaeological parks and other venues.

You can learn more about reenactment in Nova Roma here:

You can learn about the command structure and hierarchy of our reenactmemt army in this article:

The units of Nova Roma

The following units belong to the Exercitus Reconstructivus Populi Novi Romani Quiritium, that is, the Reenactment Army of the Nova Roman People of Quirites:

  1. Legio I Adiutrix (Nova Roma)
  2. Legio I Italica (Nova Roma)
  3. Legio II Adiutrix (Nova Roma)
  4. Legio II Augusta (Nova Roma)
  5. Legio III Cyrenaica (Nova Roma)
  6. Legio V Alaudae (Nova Roma)
  7. Legio VI (Nova Roma)
  8. Legio IX Hispana (Nova Roma)
  9. Legio X Fretensis (Nova Roma)
  10. Legio XI Claudia Pia Fidelis (Nova Roma)
  11. Legio XII Fulminata (Nova Roma)
  12. Legio XIII Comitatensis - Tertiodecimani (Nova Roma)
  13. Legio XIII Gemina (Nova Roma)
  14. Legio XIV Comitatensis - Quartodecimani (Nova Roma)
  15. Legio XX Valeria Victrix (Nova Roma)
  16. Legio XXI Rapax (Nova Roma)
  17. Legio XXIV Media Atlantia (Nova Roma)
  18. Cohors I Atilia (Nova Roma)
  19. Cohors I Ulpia Pannoniorum (Nova Roma)
  20. Cohors VI Carpathica (Nova Roma)
  21. Cohors VI Raetorum (Nova Roma)