Senatus consultum de insigni sive logotypo Nova Romae macronationaliter renovando et protegendo (Nova Roma)
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· Home: Legal System ·
Declaration -
Leges -
Senatus Consulta -
Decreta -
This senatus consultum is currently IN FORCE.
The senate creates the Nova Roma Trademark Protection Task Force (Commissio Executiva Ad Insigne Novae Romae Protegendum) which shall consist of the praefectus rei publicae administrandae, the curator aerarii, and one or more senators selected and appointed by them. Under these terms, senator M. Pompeius Caninus shall be included until further joint decision by the praefectus and the curator.
I. The senate authorizes the Commissio Executiva Ad Insigne Novae Romae Protegendum to renew the trademark of Nova Roma, at any time when the rights on the trademark expire, and to ensure that the official state and corporate symbol (logotype) is protected by macronational law. In the current case, the Tas Force shall act immediately and complete the task within a month, hopefully no later than the next senate session, when they shall submit a report about the actions taken. In any future case they shall act no later than a month before the expiration date of our protected trademarks and logotypes.
II. The senate authorizes to pay from the Terasury, with unanimous decision of the Commissio Executiva, the necessary amount to the attorney and the USA authorirties that is required to complete this task.
III. The Commissio Executiva shall develop policies and present them to the senate for enactment in senatus consultum which ensure the effective permanent protection of our trademark and logotype.
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