Ludi Championship 2008 ranking - end (Nova Roma)

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This page is updated. - Albucius aed. cur. - a.d. XV Kal. Oct. 2761.
2751/2008 Ludi Ranking - end
The Ludi Championship Series of Nova Roma consists of a two-part series, Individual Competition (Series I) and Team Competition (Series II).
This page contains the 2nd part of the Serie I ranking available in the previous and linked page. This 2nd part appears in the table below, from rank 37th to rank 67th. It is, as the 1st part (ranks 1st to 36th) updated a.d. XIII Kal. Oct. 2761.
Series I: Individual 2751/2008 Ranking - end
Points ranking system
- The rules concerning the calculation of the points have been modified in three directions:
- the more a contest has fighters, the more everyone get points;
- the winner gets "n" points, "n" being the number of competitors, and the following entrants "n-1", "n-2", etc. to 1 for the last one;
- more points to the most important competitions in 2751, the Ludi Romani (as usual the most important Ludi event in the year) and this year the Conditorum or Games of our Founders, that bear a special importance in 2751, NR 10th year. This added value is given through a points bonus allocated to the eight best chariots for the Conditorum and four best for the Romani.
We have thus now a more precise ranking, which also expresses the efforts made by the owners for this special year.
Back to the 1st part of the table (ranks 1st to 36th)
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