Magna Mater

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Magna Mater, Cybele, the Great Mother of the Gods, had according Samuel Ball Platner ("A Topographical Dictionary of Ancient Rome", London: Oxford University Press, 1929) five temples in Rome. Her main temple was on the Palatine hill.

Magna Mater courtesy of Vroma.jpg
This Temple has been dedicated during the Punic wars on Idus Apr. 563 a.u.c. (10 April 191 b.c.e.) by Praetor M. Junius Brutus IV. From this day on, were held every year, in honour of the goddess and in front of the temple, the Ludi Megalesia. Magna Mater had become the Sacred Protectress of the City.

Reading List

In Search of God the Mother

Prof. Lynn Roller. (1999). ISBN 0520210247
Great scholarly work on Cybele, chapter on Rome is excellent.
Buy from Amazon: Canada UK USA

The Mother of the Gods

Mark Munn. (2006). University of California Press. ISBN 0520243498
excellent, thought-provoking study of sovereignty & Cybele
Buy from Amazon: Canada UK USA

Corpus Cultus Cybelae Attidisque (CCCA) I. Asia Minor

M.J. Vermaseren. (1987). Brill Academic Publishers. ISBN 9004079041
14 volumes in total in this series. Exhaustive compilation of epigraphy & statues, monuments
Buy from Amazon: Canada UK USA

Cybele, Attis and related Cults

Eugene N. Lane, ed.. (1996). Brill. ISBN 9004101969
essays by various scholars
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Soteriology and mystic aspects in the cult of Cybele and Attis

Giula Gasparro Sfameni. (1985). Brill. ISBN 9004072837
as the title says
Buy from Amazon: Canada UK USA

On the Nature of Things

Lucretius Trans. William Ellery Leonard. (n.d.)
Description of the cultus of Magna Mater

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