August 2758 auc  
Fr. Apulo Caesare C. Popillio Laena consulibus

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Letters of Lucius Spurius Pomonius #4

Rhine River Patrol

The Original Roman Holiday (Serial I)

Webster A.A.R.


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Roman Breads




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I usually don't get a chance to read many Roman novels since I am pretty busy ferreting out or writing stories for "Aquila." However, some novels that I have in my Roman library are:

  • Rosemary Sutcliff, "The Silver branch"
  • Richard G. Hubler, "The Soldier and the Sage"
  • Loyd C. Douglas, "The Robe"
  • Damion Hunter, "The Centurions"
  • Mika Waltari, "The Roman"
  • Florence A. Seward, Gold For The Caesars"
  • Anya Seton, "The Mistletoe and the Sword"

Has anyone else read these books, and/or have a comment abut them??

Do you have any novels in your Roman Library that you particularly like and would recommend??


Are you Green (or red, blue, yellow or white)????

The Roman factions with which Roman citizens allied themselves were very similar to today's involvement with a favorite ball club, or sporting
team. We settle on them n the present day for a variety of reasons, defend them, and cheer them on in thier endeavors even though most of us do not participate in the sport or action.

Roman factions were similar, and in almost every public contest, such as chariot racing, the factions were represented by color in some way.
Those who were involved in one of the various factions were those who cheered for the color of thier faction and whatever and whoever was represented by that color. In the modern day the idea is still carried on in Italy in the great celebrations, when horsemen ride by the audience
carrying large colored flags, and the spectators cheer and applaud for thier color. Each color faction has it's heroes, and thier villians (usually from another color faction) and in the ancient days identified with thier faction in a meriad, and wide variety of ways.

Whenever I appear at a Roman reenactment, there is always prominently displayed in front of my tent a large green flag, and I usually wear a green scarf round my neck. I am GREEN!!!!!! What are you?????

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editing by
Marcus Minucius-Tiberius Audens
designed by
Marcus Philippus Conservatus and Franciscus Apulus Caesar

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