INDEX: Return to the Edicta of Nova Roma.
Use the table of contents to navigate to the edicta of a particular office of the Magistratus Ordinarii. This page primarily shows the edicta raised and issued for this year only.
Edicts are posted, by office, in the order they are issued through the course of the year. The most recent edicts will be towards the top of an office section.
Edicta of the Censores
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
Edictvm censorivm (II)
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. XVII Kal. Ian. ‡ C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXI a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #93708
Edictvm censorivm
[My earlier attempt at sending this edict to this list apparently got lost in cyberspace, then the screen slipped as I tried to repost it, so it vanished altogether. Am trying a third time].
Ex hóc, per totum munus meum scribam ad censum conficiendum C. Claudium Quadratum ilico creo. Licet ei censum incipere cum primum possit et quo modo placeat. Spero eum populum Romanum de methodo et incepto censús cum primum certiorem facere. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus maneat scriba ad alia facienda, et ei liceat auxilium C. Claudio Quadrato ferre. Nullum jus jurandum ab his viris integris posco.
By this edict, I immediately appoint C. Claudius Quadratus as scriba for completing the census during my entire censura. He may begin the census as soon as possible, and conduct it in any manner he likes. I hope that he will inform the Roman people about the method and the beginning of the census as soon as possible. Cn. Cornelius Lentulus will remain a scriba for other purposes, and may assist C. Claudius Quadratus. No sworn oath do I demand from these honorable gentlemen.
Edictvm censorivm
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. VII Kal. Sept. ‡ C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXI a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #93549
Hóc edicto Cn. Cornelium Lentulum C. Claudium Quadratum ilico scribas creo, nam civitatis petitiones habemus. Postea munera eis partiam. Nullum jus poscendum; ambo sunt quirites bonae voluntatis cujus peritia de rebus censoriis maxime nota et maxima est.
By this edict I appoint Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and C. Claudius Quadratus as scribae whose duties I shall later assign. No oath is required; both are citizens of good will whose expertise in matters censorial is very well known and very great.
Edicta of the Consules
INDEX: Return to the Top of the page.
- Existing Pages: Officium Consulare MMDCCLXXI - Edicta
Edictum consulare de comitiis plebis tributis (II)
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. IX Kal. Ian. ‡ C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXI a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #93739
I. As Section VI.B. of the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, modified by the SENATUS CONSULTUM ULTIMUM DE RE PUBLICA ADMINISTRANDA, enacted Prid. Kal. Ian. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. stipulates, the consuls can issue special temporary rules for the holding of Comitia, which shall differ from the procedure described by the laws of Nova Roma only in those points where it is necessitated by the circumstances of the crisis, hereby we are issuing the following temporary rules for the Comitia Centuriata:
II. The process, methods, rules and time frames of the Comitia Centuriata held by praetor M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius and the rules of the holding of the Comitia Centuriata shall be those defined by the praetor M. Cotta, subject to his colleagues’ and the consules' intercessio and tribunician intercessio.
C. Claudius and T. Domitius CONSULES
Edictum consulare de comitiis plebis tributis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. VII Id. Dec. ‡ C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXI a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #93668
I. As Section VI.B. of the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica constituenda, modified by the SENATUS CONSULTUM ULTIMUM DE RE PUBLICA ADMINISTRANDA, enacted Prid. Kal. Ian. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. stipulates, the consuls can issue special temporary rules for the holding of Comitia, which shall differ from the procedure described by the laws of Nova Roma only in those points where it is necessitated by the circumstances of the crisis, hereby we are issuing the following temporary rules for the Comitia Plebis Tributa:
II. The process, methods, rules and time frames of the plebeian elections and the rules of the holding of the Comitia Plebis Tributa shall be those defined by the Tribune of the Plebs C. Tullius Valerianus Germanicus, subject to his colleagues’ intercessio.
C. Claudius and T. Domitius
Edictvm consvlis de comitiis centvriatis et comitiis popvli tribvtis convocandis
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. III Non. Dec. ‡ C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXI a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #93660
I. Authorized by the senatus consulta and the lex Cornelia Domitia, I determine the rules and schedules of the following sessions of the Comitia Centuriata and Comitia Populi Tributa and these will be valid, due to emergent conditions, even if they do not follow the older laws of the republic.
II. The Contio begins in both assemblies immediately. Under the current accelerated procedure, campaigns and debates about the candidates are allowed through the last day of the voting session. The schedule for these sessions of both the Comitia Centuriata and Comitia Populi Tributa is the following:
Contio begins immediately, as of 12:01 AM Rome Time on 3 December 2018
Discussion and debate will end at 11:59 PM Rome Time on 13 December 2018
Voting will begin at 12:01 AM Rome Time on 7 December 2018
Voting will end at 11:59 PM Rome Time on 13 December 2018
III. As the perpetrators of the illegal dictatorship and the so-called “corporate” senate still maintain control of the corporate infrastructure, communication channels and the normal voting tools of Nova Roma, refuse to defer to lawfully established procedure, disallow any exercise of electoral process and willfully impede the election of magistrates, voting shall be conducted by e-mail. The e-mails containing the votes shall be sent to the following e-mail address, designated as the Cista:
IV. The voter's e-mail must contain the full Roman name of the voter and the selected candidates' names. The following may be used as an example:
I, (insert Roman name) vote for (names of candidates) for consul, (names of candidates) for praetor, etc.
Voters may use languages other than English to communicate their votes.
Note: If more than one position is to be filled for a level of magistrate, voters may choose to vote for none of the candidates, only one candidate, or for as many as they wish up to the number of positions that need to be filled.
A. The candidates for CONSUL (2 positions to be filled) are:
1. Titus Domitius Draco
2. Quintus Arrius Nauta
3. Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus
B. The candidates for PRAETOR (2 positions to be filled) are:
1. Quintus Lutatius Catulus
2. Gaius Octavius Tranquillus
3. Marcus Iulius Camillus
C. The candidates for CENSOR (1 position to be filled) are:
1. Aula Tullia Scholastica
2. Gaius Claudius Quadratus
A. Candidates for AEDILIS CVRVLIS (2 positions to be filled)
There were no announced candidates for this magistracy. A supplemental election will be held.
B. The candidates for QUAESTOR (8 positions to be filled) are:
1. Publius Quinctius Petrus Augustinus
2. Titus Sicinius Lupus
3. Tiberius Octavius Sulla
4. Decimus Horatius Salinator
5. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus
6. Tita Popillia Laenas
A supplemental election will be held to fill the remaining two positions.
VII. I appoint Sex. Lucilius Tutor and Cn. Cornelius Lentulus as diribitores. The diribitores shall have access to the Cista e-mail box, and they shall count the votes, supervise the voting process and report the results as required by the laws of Nova Roma in force.
Datum a.d. III Non. December C. Claudio T. Domitio coss., XXI ANRC / MMDCCLXXI AVC, the Sacred Year of Concordia.
C. Claudius Quadratus
Edictum consulare de quaestoribus assignandis
I. As required by the Constitution IV.A.6., we, the consuls jointly, hereby assign the elected quaestors of the Nova Roman People to the following magistrates:
A. Quaestor Cn. Cornelius Lentulus is assigned to Consul C. Claudius Quadratus
B. Quaestor M’. Galerius Caprarius is assigned to Consul T. Domitius Draco
C. Quaestor C. Cornelius Barosus is assigned to Praetor M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius
D. Quaestor M. Caecilius Metellus Tocaiensis is assigned to Praetor Q. Arrius Nauta
E. Quaestrix C. Sergia Blatta is assigned to Aedilis Plebis Ti. Fabius Nepos
II. The rest of the quaestors will be assigned later to the remaining magistrates with quaestorial accompaniment, according to the mutual agreement of the officeholders.
Datum: Ante Diem III Kal. Mar., C. Claudio T. Domitio II cos. ‡ XXI ANRC / MMDCCLXXI AUC, the Sacred Year of Concordia.
C. Claudius Quadratus
T. Domitius Draco
Edictum consulare de officio consulari
As required by the lex Cornelia Domitia de re publica administranda II.E., we, the consuls jointly, hereby appoint Cn. Cornelius Lentulus as praefectus officio consulari itemque praetorio, the chief of staff of the public joint consular office, consular government and headquarters (praetorium). The name of this office is changed by the authority of this consular edict, based on the spirit of law present in the SENATUS CONSULTUM ULTIMUM DE INTERREGIBUS NOMINANDIS ET DE RE PUBLICA ADMINISTRANDA, Section III, of a.d. V Kal. Dec., to reflect the change from tribunician government to consular.
Datum: Ante Diem III Kal. Mar., C. Claudio T. Domitio II cos. ‡ XXI ANRC / MMDCCLXXI AUC, the Sacred Year of Concordia.
C. Claudius Quadratus
T. Domitius Draco
Edictum consulare de praefecto rei publicae administrandae
As required by the SENATUS CONSULTUM ULTIMUM DE OFFICIO REI PUBLICAE ADMINISTRANDAE, we, the consuls jointly, hereby appoint Cn. Cornelius Lentulus as praefectus rei publicae administrandae to chair the Officium Administrationis Publicae (Office of Public Administration). His office with a similar but shorter title, "praefectus rei publicae", granted to him by the EDICTUM INTERREGIS DE PRAEFECTO REI PUBLICAE, a.d. IV Kal. Ian. Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot., shall henceforth be used only in those contexts when he acts in representation of, or as a deputy to, the consuls or praetors, or a representative of the republic.
Datum: Ante Diem III Kal. Mar., C. Claudio T. Domitio II cos. ‡ XXI ANRC / MMDCCLXXI AUC, the Sacred Year of Concordia.
C. Claudius Quadratus
T. Domitius Draco
Edictum consulis C. Claudi Quadrati de comitiis curiatis convocandis (II)
I. In this edictum, I, Consul C. Claudius Quadratus, recognize all past edicts of the presidential magistrates as valid: this confirmation is required in order that the current edictum can have legal force.
II. Authorized by the SENATUS CONSULTUM ULTIMUM DE INTERREGIBUS NOMINANDIS ET DE RE PUBLICA ADMINISTRANDA, we, Consul C. Claudius Quadratus and Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus acting in the name of the pontifex maximus T. Sabinus, convene and call to order the Comitia Curiata effective immediately, under the auspices of Consul C. Claudius, in order to invest the recently elected chief magistrates with imperium.
III. The session of the Comitia Curiata starts right now,15:00 PM Rome Time, 4 January, and shall be opened by Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. The lictores curiati shall post their witness statements after the opening, as follows, posting it to:
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Ego, ____________, lictor curiatus Novae Romae, testificor C. Claudium Quadratum et T.. Domitium Draconem consules, M. Aurelium Cottam Iovium et Q. Arrium Nautam praetores, atque P. Annaeum Constantinum Placidum et Q. Lutatium Catulum aediles curules Novae Romae creatos et imperium eis commissum esse. Lictor Comitiorum Curiatorum eis opto ut pro religione Romana felicissime officio munereque suo fungantur.
I, ________________, lictor curiatus of Nova Roma, hereby witness the appointment and investment of imperium of C. Claudius Quadratus and T. Domitius Draco as Consuls, M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius and Q. Arrius Nauta as Praetors, and P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus and Q. Lutatius Catulus as Aediles Curules. As a member of the Comitia Curiata, I wish them good fortune in their office and their work on behalf of the Religio Romana.
------------------------------ ---------------
III. The session ends at the time when Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus announces the closing of the session.
IV. From the moment when the first lictor curiatus issues his witness statement, the formal confirmation of the interreges is considered completed.
DATUM prid. Non. Ian. C. Claudio T Domitio II coss., 21 ANRC / 2771 AUC / 2018 AD, the Sacred Year of Concordia. (Given on 4th January, in the consulship of C. Claudius and T.. Domitius, the second time).
C. Claudius Quadratus CONSUL
Edictum consulis C. Claudi Quadrati de comitiis curiatis convocandis
I. In this edictum, I, Consul C. Claudius Quadratus, recognize all past edicts of the presidential magistrates as valid: this confirmation is required in order that the current edictum can have legal force.
II. Authorized by the SENATUS CONSULTUM ULTIMUM DE INTERREGIBUS NOMINANDIS ET DE RE PUBLICA ADMINISTRANDA, we, Consul C. Claudius Quadratus and Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus acting in the name of the pontifex maximus T. Sabinus, convene and call to order the Comitia Curiata effective immediately, under the auspices of Consul C. Claudius, in order to invest the recently elected chief magistrates with imperium.
III. The session of the Comitia Curiata starts right now,15:00 PM Rome Time, 4 January, and shall be opened by Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus. The lictores curiati shall post their witness statements after the opening, as follows, posting it to:
Ego, ____________, lictor curiatus Novae Romae, testificor C. Claudium Quadratum et T. Domitium Draconem consules, M. Aurelium Cottam Iovium et Q. Arrium Nautam praetores, atque P. Annaeum Constantinum Placidum et Q. Lutatium Catulum aediles curules Novae Romae creatos et imperium eis commissum esse. Lictor Comitiorum Curiatorum eis opto ut pro religione Romana felicissime officio munereque suo fungantur.
I, ________________, lictor curiatus of Nova Roma, hereby witness the appointment and investment of imperium of C. Claudius Quadratus and T. Domitius Draco as Consuls, M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius and Q. Arrius Nauta as Praetors, and P. Annaeus Constantinus Placidus and Q. Lutatius Catulus as Aediles Curules. As a member of the Comitia Curiata, I wish them good fortune in their office and their work on behalf of the Religio Romana.
III. The session ends at the time when Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus announces the closing of the session.
IV. From the moment when the first lictor curiatus issues his witness statement, the formal confirmation of the interreges is considered completed.
DATUM prid. Non. Ian. C. Claudio T Domitio II coss., 21 ANRC / 2771 AUC / 2018 AD, the Sacred Year of Concordia. (Given on 4th January, in the consulship of C. Claudius and T. Domitius, the second time).
C. Claudius Quadratus CONSUL
Edicta of the Praetores
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Edictum praetorium de comitiis centuriatis convocandis et de suffragiis ferendis
I. I hereby convene and I summon a Non-Corporate Session of the Comitia Centuriata to gather in the Free Forum of Nova Roma (the "Saving Nova Roma" mailing list) in order to vote on proposed legislations, the rogatio Aurelia de legionibus and the rogatio Aurelia de familiis gladiatoriis et ludis gladiatoriis.
The Contio begins now immediately 14:30 PM Rome Time today, a.d. VIII Kal. Ian. C. Claudio Quadrato et T. Domitio Dracone coss. (25th December 2018).
II.. The auspices were taken by Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus authorized by Augur C. Claudius Quadratus, and were favorable.
III. Authorized by the consular edict of consuls C. Claudius and T. Domitius, the time between this convening of the Comitia and the start of voting is hereby shortened from the period required by the lex Cornelia de ratione comitiorum centuriatorum, because of the urgency due to the end of the year and pressure from partner organizations to regulate this aspect of our activities. Under the accelerated procedure, contio-type debates are allowed until even the very last day of the voting session. The schedule for this Non-Corporate Session of the Comitia Centuriata:
Contio will begin at 14:30 PM Rome Time on 25 December 2018 Contio will end at 24:00 PM Rome Time on 31 December 2018 Voting will begin at 15:00 PM Rome Time on 24 December 2018 Voting will end at 24:00 PM Rome Time on 31 December 2018
V.A. As the perpetrators of the illegal dictatorship and the so-called “corporate” senate still maintain control of the corporate infrastructure, communication channels and the normal voting tools of Nova Roma, refuse to defer to lawfully established procedure, disallow any exercise of electoral process and willfully impede legislation, voting shall be conducted by e-mail. The e-mails containing the votes shall be sent to the following e-mail address, designated as the Cista:
V.B. The voter's e-mail must contain the full Roman name of the voter and the votes on the rogationes (law proposals), which can be: V.B.1. uti rogas, abbreviated as UR or VR (yes), V.B.2. antiquo, abbrevated as A (no), V.B.3. abstineo, abbreviated as ABS (abstain).
Voters must vote on TWO law proposals and they must specify which vote refers to which proposal.
VI. The diribitores appointed by consul C. Claudius shall conduct the technical organization of the voting process, including the vote counting.
VII. The text of the proposals will be sent as a separate announcement.
Datum est a.d. VIII Kal. Ian. C. Claudio Quadrato et T. Domitio Dracone II coss. (25th December 2018) in the Year of the 20th Anniversary, the Sacred Year of Concordia.
M. Aurelius Cotta
Edictum de nuptiis festis publicis Cn. Lentuli et Popilliae
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: Id. Sept. ‡ C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXI a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #93573
Edictum de nuptiis festis publicis Cn. Lentuli et Popilliae
Cn. Cornelius Lentulus who was acclaimed as pater patriae by the senate for his numerous merits of developing the live aspects of Nova Roma in the greatest extent, for his achievements of making Nova Roma thrive for over the last decade and his efforts of saving Nova Roma in the past few turbulent years, is having a Roman confarreatio wedding on a.d. XVII Kal. Oct. (September 15) with T. Popillia Laenas. This is an extremely rare occasion of modern or Nova Roman history that we can publicly celebrate an official state wedding according to the most ancient Roman traditions. It is an important event of reconstruction and restoration of Roman way of life as practiced within community in our time, and it deserves our attention, support and good wishes, not only as a serious event of Roman reconstructionism, but also because Cn. Cornelius Lentulus gave so much to our community that we Nova Romans are almost like his greater family, and as family, we shall celebrate this joyous day with newly weds.
For these reasons, the praetorship of Nova Roma wishes to remark the day of the wedding of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and Popillia Laenas, and I declare the day of a.d. XVII Kal. Oct. (September 15) as a public festival as part of the Ludi Romani, and I officially call the magistrates, priests and citizens of Nova Roma to pray and make offerings for the wedding and happy marriage of Cn. Lentulus and Popillia so that their Nova Roman marruage bring blessings to our republic as well, that Cn. Lentulus can continue and increase his contributions and now with an extended family, and hopefully many children who would then join the ranks of the active and dedicated citizens of Nova Roma.
Good wishes and reports about the performed offerings should be sent to the forums of Nova Roma and to the couple privately at Cn. Cornelius Lentulus' address: cn_corn_lent@yahoo.it
As a.d. XVII Kal. Oct. (September 15), the wedding day of Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and Popillia Laenas is declared a public holiday, the courts of Nova Roma and the praetorial offices will be closed that day.
Given on Id. Sept., C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos., in the 20th Anniversary of Nova Roma
Q. Arrius Nauta Praetor
Edictum Praetorium de Ludis Apollinaribus et Ludis Vicennalibus
- STATUS: Lapsed
- ORIGINALLY ENACTED: a.d. VII Kal. Sept. ‡ C. Claudio T. Domitio (II) cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXI a.u.c.
- OFFICIAL POST: Forum Romanum #93584
Edictum Praetorium de Ludis Apollinaribus et Ludis Vicennalibus
I. Due to impediments the 20th Anniversary Ludi Apollinares could not be organized by the praetors in proper time in July as part of this year's Vicennalia events.
II. The praetors are rescheduling the Ludi Apollinares to start tomorrow on August 27, on the VOLTURNALIA which is the festival of the Sacred Pignora Imperii of Nova Roma and the Genius of the Roman People in them. The Ludi Apollinares starting tomorrow are part of our Vicennalia celebrating 20 years of Nova Roma.
III. In this 20th Anniversary Vicennalia spirit, his year's Ludi Apollinares are united and absorbed by the Ludi Vicennales and as their part the Ludi Apollinares will last between August 27 - December 1, in sections. One sections is held immediately, another section will be held in September and dedicated both to the 2080th birthday of Augustus and to his favorite god Apollo, and another section will be held as identical with the Ludi Vicennales Art Contest and will be held from August 27 to December 1.
IV. The programs will be:
1. August 27 - Apollo sacrifice and piaculum sacrifice for the praetor's delay of the festival by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus in the name of the praetors Q. Arrius Nauta and M. Aurelius Cotta.
2. August 27-28 - Celebration of the Volturnalia, rituals by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus in the name of the entire Renascent Roman People and the Nova Roman People.
3. Augustus 2080 Contest - While Nova Roma is 20, Augutus is 2080, a great coincidence of jubilees. This contest will be organized by C. Claudius Quadratus and will start from September 23. The prize will be a great Roman coin!
This is not only part of the Ludi Apollinares but it's part of the whole year long series of the Ludi Vicennales, the 20th Anniversary Games of Nova Roma:
Theme: "Celebrating the 20 years of Nova Roma and Concordia" - You can write any type of literry work (prose, poem, drama etc) or submit any type of visual art (photo, drawing, painting, video, movie) or even music, any of these made by you, in the theme of "Celebrating the 20 years of Nova Roma and Concordia".
Winners will be judged by a jury in all categories and they will receive a consecrated flag of Nova Roma and their work will be celebrated and featured in Nova Roma media and websites.
Submissions must be sent to my email address.
V. This edict takes force immediately.
Date, 26, Sextilis, in the consulship of C. Claudius and T. Domitius, in the year of the 20th Anniversary, Sacred Year of Concordia.
Q. Arrius Nauta and M. Aurelius Cotta Iovius Preators of Nova Roma
Edicta of the Aediles Curules
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Edicta of the Aediles Plebes
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Edicta of the Tribuni Plebes
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