Cohors II Legionis X Fretensis (Nova Roma)
The Cohors II Legionis X Fretensis of our Provincia Australia is an Autonomous Military Reenactment Unit of Nova Roma, and is part of the Legio X Fretensis, which is an allied unit of Nova Roma.
Cohors II Legionis X Fretensis is maintained by the Ancient Roman Re-enactors Victoria , an incorporated Australian not-for-profit organization based in Melbourne, Australia. The legion was founded in Cn. Lentulo Alexandro T. Domitio cos. ‡ MMDCCLXIX a.u.c. (December 2016). In January Sex. Lucilio C. Claudio P. Annaeo Q. Catulo tr. mil. cos. pot. ‡ MMDCCLXX a.u.c. (2017), prominent Nova Roman C. Sempronius Scepsis Agricola joined the legion and is currently the Aquilifer. C. Sempronius is the praefectus cohortis.
The partnership with Legio X is documented with the Memorandum of Understanding between Nova Roma and Ancient Roman Reenactors Victoria. The unit officially became an Allied legion under Edictum 73.02 - Edictum Proprætorium de societate cum Legione X Fretensi Australiana, with the Autonomous Reenactment Unit, number II Cohort, being established under Edictum 74.01 - Edictum de Creationibus Cohortis II Legionis X Fretensis.
Visit the Legion
- Ancient Roman Re-Enactors Victoria (Website):
- Ancient Roman Re-Enactors Victoria public (Facebook):
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- Contact Phone: +61 438 833 813
The ceremonial supreme commanders of all legions within Nova Roma are the consules of Nova Roma, and the praetores are the vice-supreme commanders. The provincial ceremonial commander-in-chief of the Cohors II Legionis X Fretensis (and all other legionary units in Provincia Australia), is the governor of Provincia Australia, the propraetor D. Aurelius Ingeniarius.
The actual commander of the Cohors II Legionis X Fretensis, as the praefectus cohortis C. Sempronius Scepsis Agricola. He exercises command in conjunction with his subordinate operational commanders.
State Generals (political officers of the republic):
- propraetor - D. Aurelius Ingeniarius
- praefectus cohortis – C. Sempronius Scepsis Agricola
Legionary Officers:
- aquilifer – C. Sempronius Scepsis Agricola
- capsarius – L. Geminius Carbo
Legionaries, Auxiliaries and Civilians:
- legionarius – D. Aurelius Ingeniarius
- auxiliary – Ti. Serius Hilarus Margensis
- civilian – T. Caelia Dextra

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Provinciae (Nova Roma)