Oppidum Fluminis Gilae (Nova Roma)/Archive/Candidate Statements, November 2761

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Call For Candidates

Cn. Caelius Ahenobarbus M. Valerius Potitus Aediles Civibus Oppidi Fluminis Gilae, salutem plurimam dicit

(PLEASE READ THIS ENTIRE MESSAGE. Yes, it is long, but it has all the information you need to vote in the Oppidum. It calls for candidates, lists a proposed lex, and explains why the vote is taking place in November instead of December as stipulated by the Foedus. If you have any questions, e-mail or call Cn. Caelius Ahenobarbus ( cn.caelius@yahoo.com) or M. Valerius Potitus ( valerius.potitus@gmail.com ). )


We, the aediles of Oppidum Fluminis Gilae, hereby summon the Comitia Oppidana to the November meeting, Sunday, November 9, 2761 (2008). The Comitia Oppidana consists of all citizens of Oppidum Fluminis Gilae. Visitors are welcome to attend and can even make their voices heard, but cannot cast a vote. The first order of business will be voting on a lex (see below). Depending on the outcome of the first item, the second item will be the election of magistrates of the oppidum for 2762.


This is the official CALL FOR CANDIDATES for the offices of Oppidum Fluminis Gilae for 2762 a.u.c. The election will be held AT OUR NOVEMBER MEETING, NOVEMBER 9, AT FRONIMO'S GREEK RESTAURANT, TUCSON. The terms of the offices are from January 1 to December 31, 2762 a.u.c.

To run for office, you must be a full citizen of Nova Roma and an assiduus (a current taxpayer of Nova Roma). To vote, you must be a citizen of Oppidum Fluminis Gilae, and YOU MUST BE PHYSICALLY PRESENT AT THE MEETING; assiduus status is not required to vote.

The process will be as follows:

1) A Call For Candidates is distributed. This e-mail completes this step. 2) A period of time is allowed for candidates to declare their candidacies. This period starts today, Sunday, October 26, and ends at noon, Arizona time, Wednesday, November 5, 2761. No declarations will be accepted after the ending time and date. 3) Our regular meeting will take place at 1:00PM (sharp; please show up 5-10 minutes early to be sure you are on time) on Sunday, November 9, 2761. Starting at 1:00PM, a maximum of five minutes will be offered to each candidate to speak publicly to the Comitia Oppidana about themselves, their candidacy, and their ideas for the oppidum for 2762. 4) After all the candidates have spoken, a maximum of 10 minutes will be allowed for discussion amongst everyone. 5) After the discussion, ballots will be distributed and the vote will be held. The results will be tallied by the Sacerdos Solis, Gaius Iulius Iulianus, and announced immediately. The entire process should move quickly so that those whose time is precious can still attend the meeting to vote, even if they must leave immediately afterwards.

There are four offices for which candidates are being called. The offices are:

Aedilis Oppidi (2) There are two Aediles Oppidi. They act as "co-mayors" and are the highest-ranked magistrates within the oppidum. The Aediles Oppidī are elected by the Comitia Oppidana and serve during the following calendar year. Their responsibilities include the maintenance of the oppidum's Album Civium (membership); maintenance of the oppidum's Tabularium (laws); collection, control, and disbursement of any available funds; and planning and executing public events. Each aedilis may have one assistant (scriba), appointed at-will, to assist them in their duties.

Sacerdos Solis There is one Sacerdos Solis. This is the chief religious official of the oppidum. Their responsibilities include public rituals, collection and storage of religious and ritual implements, and religious education. The Sacerdos Solis is elected by the Comitia Oppidana and serves during the following calendar year. The Sacerdos Solis may have one assistant (camillus [male], camilla [female]), appointed at-will, to assist them in their duties. The Sacerdos Solis cannot serve as an aedilis at the same time.

Praefectus Praesidii There is one Praefectus Praesidii. This is the chief official of public order in the oppidum. Their responsibilities include being the commander of military reenactment legions within the oppidum, providing lictors when needed, creation and storage of military implements, and historical education. The Praefectus Praesidiī is elected by the Comitia Oppidana and serves during the following calendar year. The Praefectus Praesidiī may appoint those below them and organize any rank hierarchy as they see fit.

If you wish to declare your candidacy for one of these positions, e-mail or call Cn. Caelius Ahenobarbus ( cn.caelius@yahoo.com) or M.. Valerius Potitus ( valerius.potitus@gmail.com ). All candidates and their statements will be posted to the oppidum's page on the Nova Roma wiki ( http://www.novaroma.org/nr , search for "fluminis") in a timely manner by one of the aediles.


This is an official proposal. The Lex Caeli de tempus comitialis (Law of Caelius about the time of elections) is proposed to change the yearly elections from December to November. This brings the oppidum in-line with Nova Roma and the U.S. A copy of the current foedus can be found on the oppidum page on the Nova Roma wiki. Changes to the Foedus (available on the Oppidum Fluminis Gilae page on the Nova Roma wiki) are suggested as follows:

  • VI.F. Change "December" to "November".
  • VII.B. Change "December" to "November"
  • IX.E. Change "December" to "November"
  • XI.B. Change "December" to "November"

A vote of "VTI ROGAS" ("as you propose") will make these changes. A vote of "ANTIQVO" ("for the old") will keep the Foedus as it is.

THE VOTE ON THIS LEX WILL BE THE FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS AT THE MEETING! This ensures that everyone agrees with the change before we move forward with the elections. If this lex is passed, the elections will follow immediately afterwards and the changes to the Foedus will be submitted to the provincial legata. If this lex is defeated, the elections will be held during December but will be modified due to the fact that the calendar of Nova Roma prevents us from voting on our scheduled meeting date in December. See the informational section below for more information.


This section is informational and important. Please read it.

Oppidum Fluminis Gilae, being a local chapter of Nova Roma, follows the calendar of Nova Roma as laid down by the Collegium Pontificum of Nova Roma. This calendar specifies which days may be used for regular business, elections, rituals, etc. Some days are public holidays, some are festivals, and some are considered "dark" or "inauspicious". On these days, certain types of business can't take place. Due to our oppidum's monthly meetings happening on the second Sunday of each month, our meetings coincide with these "limited" days very often. This can prevent us from doing public ritual or voting, which, due to the long time between meetings, prevents us from acting in a timely manner.

To solve this issue, the aediles have researched the calendar for next year and found that the last Sunday of each month seems to be an "unlimited" day every month next year (2762). A bit more research will be needed to verify and possibly come up with another option, but as it stands, the oppidum meetings will move from the second Sunday to another day, starting in January. This day will be a weekend day, and we will try to keep it very regular ("2nd Xday", "last Xday", etc.). The new day will be announced by December 1 via the oppidum mailing list.

The December meeting this year falls on the day after the Idus Decembris. The day after the Kalends, Nones, and Idus of every month is a "dies ater"--a "dark day"--upon which public rituals may not be performed and elections cannot be held. Therefore, unless we move the elections to November for this year, we will have to perform some convoluted machinations to let us all vote in December. It's much easier to just move the election. Also, the last half of December is problematic in American society due to holidays, so it makes more sense to hold elections in November; this also brings us into line with Nova Roma's election schedule.

If you have any questions, please contact Cn. Caelius Ahenobarbus or M. Valerius Potitus immediately. We will be glad to help you in any way we can.


Nova Roma http://www.novaroma.org/nr

Oppidum Fluminis Gilae page on Nova Roma wiki (includes foedus, current magistrates, etc.) http://www.novaroma.org/nr/Provincia_America_Austroccidentalis_-_Oppidum_Fluminis_Gilae_(Nova_Roma)

Nova Roma Calendar http://www.novaroma.org/nr/Fasti_MMDCCLXI#OCTOBER

A Description of the types of days in the calendar http://www.novaroma.org/nr/Responsum_Pontificum_de_Diebus_(Nova_Roma)

Candidates And Statements

Aediles Oppidī

Gnaeus Caelius Ahenobarbus

    Cn. Caelius Ahenobarbus Omnibus S.P.D.

    I, Gnaeus Caelius Ahenobarbus, hereby declare my candidacy for the position of Aedilis in Oppidum Fluminis Gilae for the calendar year of 2762.

    I am 37 years old and live in the locality of Tucson. I am a yoga teacher and a student. I joined Nova Roma in Aprilis of 2761 a.u.c. (2008 CE) after deciding to pursue a long-standing latent interest in Rome, Roman history, and Roman culture and language. As I have learned more about Roma antiqua, I have also learned that I should be an active part of Nova Roma. I am currently studying the early history of western civilization and the Latin language at a local community college; these courses are leading to a degree in Linguistics, with a double major (or at least a minor) in Latin.

    Oppidum Fluminis Gilae is the first oppidum in the Americas. There is much to be done here in the oppidum, but we will also be observed closely by others. We need to set an excellent example. I believe we have already begun to do so.

    In the office of aedilis oppidi, I have helped the oppidum take the first steps to becoming a successful, active, and growing entity. During the past 3 months, I have spent time contacting new members, advertising our existence, interacting with the provincial legata, and organizing the monthly meetings. I have offered my home for rituals. I have started negotiations with a sculptor to create a bust of Sol Indiges for the oppidum to use in worship. Working closely with my colleague, Marcus Valerius Potitus, I have also taken care of the ordinary business that has arisen.

    In 2762 a.u.c. (2009 CE), I will help the oppidum by continuing the above efforts. I will help the oppidum to be beneficial to its members in many ways: regular meetings, rituals, group projects, and public events. I have already begun researching the celebration of a public Floralia celebration in early May. I will work closely with my colleague, and I will do whatever I can to support the other officers and citizens of the oppidum.

    If you wish for me to serve as aedilis oppidi for 2762 a.u.c., I ask that you vote for me.

    May Sol, Iupiter, and all the gods bless our efforts! Maximas gratias tibi ago!

Marcus Valerius Potitus

    M. Valerius Potitus Civibus Oppidi Fluminis Gilae omnibusque SPD.

    In the name of Sol, I, Marcus Valerius Potitus, don the toga and declare my candidacy for the office of Aedilis in Oppidum Fluminis Gilae for the year 2762.

    I am 48 years old, and I live in Phoenix. I am an accountant with a multinational company, but in my free time I am a student of history and religion. I have been a citizen since the Kalends of May, 2760. and I am currently a candidate for Quaestor.

    I look forward to working with my colleague, making contact with other Roman and Hellenic groups, and with other people interested in Romanitas and the Religio. In particular, I will foster relationships with other pagan groups in the area and with Legio IX. I hope to gather a group of Romans in Phoenix.

    One of the big events that we are planning is a celebration of the Floralia at the end of April or the begining of May. This festival will include ritual, drama, and military exhibitions.

    I would be honored to serve as Aedilis.

    Optime valete.

Sacerdos Solis

Gaius Iulius Iulianus


    I, Gaius Iulius Iulianus, wish to announce my candidacy statement for Sacerdos solis! I am a citizen of Nova Roma and the Flamen Floralis. I am also recognized as a Sacerdos Nationis by the M.T.R. in Italia and as the Senior Paterfamilias of my Gens Iulia. I have been a practicing Romanus of the Religio Romana since Augustus of 1991 and consider myself a pious and upholder of the traditional Roman Mos Maiorum and Cultus Deorum! I live here in Tucson, Arizona, and am 55 years of age. My passion is for the traditional cultus of the Religio Romana and if elected I vow to present myself as a Sacerdos Solis and to carry out my sacerdotal duties as such! I have helped to plan and perform rituals in the oppidum, and continue to grow in knowledge and action.

    For Roma and the Religio I remain faithfully yours! Dii vos semper ament! Valete!

    Frater, Gaius Iulius Iulianus

Praefectus Praesidiī

Gnaeus Caelius Ahenobarbus

    I, Gnaeus Caelius Ahenobarbus, hereby declare my candidacy for the office of Praefectus Praesidii for 2762 a.u.c. I am willing and able to fill this position in addition to the position of aedilis oppidi.

    My interests in the military and military history fall mainly in the middle Republic period. I am also very interested in ancient fighting skills such as pankration (an ancient Greek martial art), swordfighting, and group techniques. The Roman army was one of the most amazing military organizations ever seen on Earth, and conquered and controlled a vast area elegantly and efficiently.

    My experience stems from training in martial arts (karate and aikido) and yoga. Although I do not yet have experience as a re-enactor of the Roman periods, I do have knowledge of re-enactment, its goals, and its processes. I wish to learn more about techniques, equipment, and other aspects of Roman military life and work. I am already saving money to start putting together my collection of personal equipment.

    As Praefectus Praesidii for 2762 a.u.c., I would increase contacts with local re-enactment groups, no matter their interest or the time period upon which they focus. Often, re-enactors are interested in multiple periods of history, so we may find that a Civil War or medieval re-enactor would be interested in joining us. I will build the first fasces (a bundle of rods used as a symbol of authority) and vexillum (a flag or standard) for the oppidum. I will recruit others to Nova Roma and to our oppidum, and will encourage them to become involved in various activities.

    I hold the strong belief that all our offices must be filled, and that those in those offices should work passionately and diligently to fulfill the duties of those offices. I promise that I will do my best to do so as Praefectus Praesidii. I ask for your vote.


This is an official proposal. The Lex Caeli de tempus comitialis (Law of Caelius about the time of elections) is proposed to change the yearly elections from December to November. This brings the oppidum in-line with Nova Roma and the U.S. A copy of the current foedus can be found on the oppidum page on the Nova Roma wiki. Changes to the Foedus (available on the Oppidum Fluminis Gilae page on the Nova Roma wiki) are suggested as follows:

  • VI.F. Change "December" to "November".
  • VII.B. Change "December" to "November"
  • IX.E. Change "December" to "November"
  • XI.B. Change "December" to "November"

A vote of "VTI ROGAS" ("as you propose") will make these changes. A vote of "ANTIQVO" ("for the old") will keep the Foedus as it is.

THE VOTE ON THIS LEX WILL BE THE FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS AT THE MEETING! This ensures that everyone agrees with the change before we move forward with the elections. If this lex is passed, the elections will follow immediately afterwards and the changes to the Foedus will be submitted to the provincial legata. If this lex is defeated, the elections will be held during December but will be modified due to the fact that the calendar of Nova Roma prevents us from voting on our scheduled meeting date in December.