Election MMDCCLXIV (Nova Roma)

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spqr-white-blue-50.gif NOVA ROMA: ELECTION MMDCCLXIV A.U.C.

P. Ullerio C. Equitio coss.



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Call for candidates

Cato consul omnibus in foro SPD

As you have read from the tribunes' report, we have adopted a new web-based program that, while keeping the peculiarities of our Roman voting process, is almost instantaneous.

With this in mind, and under the authority of the Senatus consultum ultimum concerning the conduct of elections and in accordance with the Lex Moravia de suffragiis in comitiis plebis tributis et ratione comitiorum plebis tributorum Section IX, I hereby issue the following edict:


I hereby appoint Quintus Caecilus Metellus Postumianus Pius and Titus Iulius Sabinus Censor as apparitores for the upcoming elections in all comitia. Caecilius Metellus shall organize and administer the electronic voting program, and Iulius Sabinus Censor will have full authority to verify and confirm the results.
Given by my hand this pridie Kalendas Decembris P. Ullerio Venatori C. Equiti Catoni coss.


I have asked Gaius Tullius Valerianus Augur to take auspices for elections beginning at sunrise (CET) on a.d. XV Kal. Ian. (18 December) and ending at sunset (CET) on a.d. IX Kal. Ian. (24 December).

I would encourage declarations of candidacy at any time after the posting of this edict. Please read carefully the requirements set up by our Constitution and laws regarding each office and candidacies will be considered official after an announcement is made here in the Forum and verification to the office of the Consuls by the office of the Censors.




Valete bene,

C. Equitius Cato consul

Call for plebeian candidates

Ex officio Tribuni Plebis.

A call for Candidates is hereby issued for the offices of Tribuni Plebis and Aediles Plebis. The elected candidates will have their terms of office

begin AVC 2764 a.d. IV Idus Dec. (10 December 2011). Any and all Assidui Plebeian Citizens who wish to serve the Respublica and the People

for the next year shall:

( I ) declare their candidacy to the current Tribuni Plebis at the email address:



( II ) announce their intention to run for office before the Comitia Plebis Tributa:


Announcements of candidacy for these offices that are made to any other official Nova Roma lists are allowed but will not meet the requirements

needed to be recognized as a candidate. All who seek candidacy MUST post their announcement to the Comitia Plebis Tributa.

Eligibility Requirements:

Tribunus Plebis (V positions available)

Candidates must be Cives in good standing for at least six full months before taking office; members of the Plebeian Ordo, Assidui today (28

Nov. 2011), and at least 25 years of age by AUC MMDCCLXIV a.d. IV Idus Dec (10 Dec 2011).

Aedilis Plebis (II positions available)

Candidates must be Cives in good standing for at least six full months before taking office; members of the Plebeian Ordo, Assidui today (28

Nov. 2010), and at least 21 years of age by AUC MMDCCLXIV a.d. IV Idus Dec (10 Dec. 2011). Candidates for Aedilis Plebis must also have

served at least six months as a Tribunus Plebis, Quaestor, Magister Aranearius, Editor Commentariorum, or Provincial Gubenator; or that they

have served as a scribe to one of the current Aediles Plebis for at least six months.

Di vos incolumes custodiant.

C. Aemilius Crassus

Plebeian candidates who announced their candidacy

nb: This page is still in construction and placed under the authority of the Tribune presiding the Plebeian elections 2764 for 2765. Thanks for your understanding.


"Ex officio Tribuni Plebis C. Aemili Crassi

I hereby call the Comitia Plebis to order to elect the Plebis Magistrates for 2765 AVC.

The contio will be held on the Comitia Plebis Tributa list and will last from 12h Roman Time (CET) of Non. Dec. (December 5th) to 12h Roman Time of a.d. VII Id. Dec. (December 7th).

The voting will be held from 12h Roman Time a.d. VII Id. Dec. (December 7th) to 12h Roman Time a.d. IV Id. Dec. (December 10th).

The elected Magistrates will take office on December 10 as soon as the results are officially presented.

Instructions how and where to vote will be given during the contio.

For the office of Aedilis Plebis is standing:

Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus

For the office of Tribunus Plebis are standing:

Vibius Valerius Volusus Titus Flavius Severus Servius Marius Paullus Vibia Aemilia Regilla

The information of these candidates can be found at:


Di vos incolumes custodiant."

AEDILIS PLEBIS (two positions)

Order Tria nomina Age Official statement Personal profile
1 Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus 41 Statement on Comitia Plebis Tributa Profile

TRIBUNUS PLEBIS (five positions)

Order Tria nomina Age Official statement Personal profile
1 Vibius Valerius Volusus 43 Statement on Comitia Plebis Tributa Album Civium
2 Titus Flavius Severus 25 Statement on Comitia Plebis Tributa Profile
3 Servius Marius Paullus 37 Statement on Comitia Plebis Tributa Album Civium
4 Vibia Aemilia Regilla 27 Statement on Comitia Plebis Tributa Album Civium