Ludi Novi Romani/MMDCCLXIII

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The Ludi Novi Romani are the games celebrating the founing of Nova Roma, 12 years ago.

Concordialia ritual this year

Pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and Livia Plauta have performed the Concordialia ritual today at Livia's home, and you are invited to see the pictures made about the official 12th birthday ceremony of our republic.


PROGRAM of the Ludi Novi Romani

  • Concordialia ritual: 1st March;
  • Ludi circenses (Virtual chariot race): Quarters: 3rd March, Semi-finals: 6th March, Finals: 12th March;
  • Certamen Latinum (Latin quiz): 1st - 12th March;
  • Ipse Dixit Quiz (Another Latin quiz): 1st - 12th March;
  • Certamen Historicum Novum Romanum (a Nova Roman History Quiz): 1st - 12th March;
  • Literary contest - in any genre of literature: writing about the reconciliation of factions in NR - rules to be announced on 3rd March;
  • Nova Roman Parody Writing Contest - rules to be announced soon.
  • Visual Quiz - about the Videos of Nova Roma - details soon!

PARTICIPATION in the games


As sixteen chariot entries have already been received, the subscriptions to the Chariot Race are, as of now, officially closed. On behalf of the Ædilitas, Publius Annæus Constantinus Placidus would like to thank everyone for entering their chariots. The first quarterfinals are going to take place on March 3rd and 4th.


From March 1st to March 12th, a series of 12 quiz items based on Latin quotes (famous ones, not-so-famous ones and little-known ones) shall be posted on the main NR list. Each item shall include a Latin quote and 2 or 3 questions about it. Anyone who wishes to participate should send their answers privately to P. Ann. Con. Placidus - - rather than to the main NR list. The game is open to all citizens - Consules, Censores, Prætores, Quæstores, Ædiles, members of the Cohors Ædilicia, and ordinary citizens... everyone may join in! All the items shall also be posted here after they have appeared on the main list, so that anyone who is late or may have missed previous items is always able to catch up.

The scores shall be as follows:

  • 2 points for each correct answer;
  • 0 points for each wrong answer;
  • -1 (minus one) point for each absent (not given) answer.

At the end of the quiz, when all 12 items will have been posted and the respective answers shall be revealed, the citizen with the highest score will be the winner; the reward shall be a new Nova Roman Sestertius created by G. Vipsanius Agrippa.

Keep watching this space during the next days for current standings and other news.


A chorus of young Nova Roman citizens performing the Carmen Decennale "Rome To New Rome" by P. Ullerius Stephanus Venator, a poem written for celebrating the ten years of Nova Roma

Enjoy the video made about the 10th Anniversary Concordialia here:

The video is made about the official 10th Anniversary Celebration of the founding of Nova Roma, the 10th birthday of Nova Roma, held on the Kalends of March, 2761 AUC, during the consulship of M. Moravius Piscinus Horatianus and T. Iulius Sabinus, organized by Cn. Cornelius Lentulus and Pannonian citizens of Nova Roma.

You can also hear the reading of the Latin variant of the Declaration of Nova Roma, our founding document, with subtitles, captured on the same day, recorded by Cn. Lentulus.

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