Ludi Romani 2761 Munera final results (Nova Roma)

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Ludi Romani Munera final results

You will find below the table of the Munera Romana (Sept. 12-15, 2008/2761 auc) final results.

The gladiators are classified according their final rank, from the 1st one and winner (on the first top line) to the last one.

Though no fight has been organized to classify the gladiators which have lost in semis, every one has been classified according her/his result against the winning ones. Thus, a fighter who has lost against the winner of the contest will have a higher rank than the one who has lost against the lowest one.

By clicking the gladiator's name, you will be able to access more details (if available!), collected by the aedilitas through the entered games, or given by the patronus gladiatoris, the owner of the concerned Ludus team. Thanks to these informations, these casual and virtual characters will become more alive for us, and become a part of our community.

The nomen gladiatoris is the fighter's name, given in Latin or in the genuine language, spoken - or close to - in the ancient times (for ex. Gaelic, Punic, etc.). The second column contains the gladiator's type (murmillo, thraex, secutor, etc.). The 3rd column gives the turn when the gladiator has lost (except the final winner, naturally), and her/his rank in this turn. On the factiones, 'A' naturally means albata, 'P' praesina, 'R' russata and 'V' veneta.

Order Nomen glad. Type Lost in Owner Factio
I Hanno carthaginensis Thraex  ??? G. Valerius Germanicus R
II Diogenes Secutor  ??? L. Rutilius Minervalis R
III Lucanus Hoplomacus 2nd semi G. Petronius Dexter R
IV Hierocles Murmillo 1st semi G. Petronius Dexter R

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