Founders of Nova Roma

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The founding of Nova Roma was prepared by five gentes, the patrician gens Cassia, gens Vedia, gens Iunia, gens Maria and the plebeian gens Caecilia. However, by the time of the Foundation Day, on the Kal. Mar. of 2750 AUC (1998 AD), a number of people have been assembled as the first ever comitia in modern history to and witness the founding of Nova Roma and to elect the first government by acclamation, consisting of two consuls-censors, M. Cassius Iulianus and Fl. Vedius Germanicus, one praetor Dec. Iunius Palladius and one aedilis plebis, Q. Caecilius Metellus. They were also the first four senators of Nova Roma.

These first citizens, together with the founders, were:

  1. M. Cassius Iulianus, primary founder
  2. Patricia Cassia, primary founder
  3. Fl. Vedius Germanicus, primary founder
  4. Priscilla Vedia Serena, founder
  5. Dec. Iunius Palladius Invictus, primary founder
  6. Agrippina Maria Glauca, founder
  7. C. Marius Merullus, founder
  8. Cn. Marius Asiaticus, founder
  9. Secundia Maria Athenia, founder
  10. Q. Caecilius Metellus, founder
  11. M. Octavius Gracchus, the first citizen after the founders
  12. L. Equitius Cincinnatus Augur
  13. L. Cornelius Sulla Felix
  14. M. Mucius Scaevola Magister
  15. Dona Leonina Beatrix
  16. C. Olivarius Mezentius
  17. Secundia Olivaria Raina
  18. N. Cordius Paulus
  19. Octavia Messalina Poppaea
  20. Irene Afrania Lentula
  21. Iunius Niger Montis
  22. Tertia Libertania Regina
  23. Honoria Lucia
  24. Medillina Nonia Naissa
  25. Iulius Nemo Machius
  26. Sex. Magius Ignigena
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