Ludi Megalenses/MMDCCLXIV

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AC-2logo.png This page is maintained under authority of the Aediles Curules
The chariot of Magna Mater


Opening of the Ludi Megalenses

Program of the Ludi Megalenses 2764

P. Ullerio C. Equitio cos. MMDCCLXIV a.u.c.

prid. Non. Apr. - a.d. IV Id. Apr. 4 - 10 April</div> </div>

Date Ceremonies Games

prid. Non. Apr. Day 1

Opening Speech, and Opening Ritual by aedilis Cornelia Aeternia;

Megalesia Ritual: sacrifice to Magna Mater, performed by pontifex Cn. Cornelius Lentulus;

Pompa, Parade & Commentary Report;
A Tribute to the Great Mother presented by Cornelia Aeternia
Announcement of the Parody Contest "A Day in the Life of Nova Roma"
First day of "Play Guess That Passage"
First Day of History Quiz;
First Day of Latin Quiz;

Non. Apr. Day 2

Ludi scaenici: Presentation " Miles Gloriosus" by Titus Maccius Plautus Parts I&II presented by: Cornelia Aeternia
Second day of "Play Guess That Passage"
Second Day of History Quiz;
Second Day of Latin Quiz;

a.d. VIII Id. Apr. Day 3
Dies ater

"Vobis Do" a poem by Sacredos Vestae C. Maria Caeca
Presentation of The Roman Baths via Interpretive Dance presented by: Cornelia Aeternia
Ludi scaenici: Presenting Nova Roma Mysterium Theatre--A Game of Skill & Craft Part I presented by: Cornelia Aeternia
Third day of "Play Guess That Passage"
Third Day of the History Quiz;
Third Day of the Latin Quiz;

a.d. VII Id. Apr. Day 4

Fourth Day of History Quiz;
Fourth Day of Latin Quiz;

a.d. VI Id. Apr. Day 5

Fifth Day of History Quiz;
Fifth Day of Latin Quiz;

a.d. V Id. Apr. Day 6

Sixth Day of History Quiz;
Sixth Day of Latin Quiz;

a.d. IV Id. Apr. Day 7

Certamen Latinum

I salute you, my People, my friends, my brothers and sisters, Nova Romans, in the name of your aediles curules, and I wish you a Happy Megalesia!

This is the second Latin Contest this year, and it will be a different, more colorful one. The questions and tasks will be of entirely different nature each day, and everyone can participate from beginners to advanced level. There's no limit!

Let's honor Nova Roma's special Goddess Magna Mater by honoring our spiritual mother tongue, the Latin. The language that makes us Roman. The language of our identity. The language of the Gods. Hail and long live to Latin!


1. All answers must be sent not to this address but to: 2. Please do *not* post answers to the list! Any answer sent publicly disqualifies the contenstant from receiving point for that answer. 3. Answers may be sent until the solutions are published, but at least within 24 hours of posting the question.


Use Latin constructions with salutations and greetings. Put the following names below into the form required by Latin grammar, after studying this article:

Address people using both the "Salve!" construction, and the "salutem plurimam dicit" construction. When using the "salutem plurimam dicit" construction, use your own fully spelled Roman name to indicate the sender.


Gaius Aurelius Cotta

1. Salve, Gai Aureli Cotta!
2. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Gaio Aurelio Cottae salutem plurimam dicit

Titus Iulius Sabinus

1. Salve, ______________!
2. ___________________ ______________________ salutem plurimam dicit

Aula Tullia Scholastica

1. Salve, ______________!
2. ___________________ ______________________ salutem plurimam dicit

Publius Memmius Albucius

1. Salve, ______________!
2. ___________________ ______________________ salutem plurimam dicit

Decius Iunius Palladius Invictus

1. Salve, ______________!
2. ___________________ ______________________ salutem plurimam dicit

Quintus Caecilius Metellus Postumianus Pius

1. Salve, ______________!
2. ___________________ ______________________ salutem plurimam dicit

Marcus Iulius Perusianus

1. Salve, ______________!
2. ___________________ ______________________ salutem plurimam dicit

Lucius Lucretius Caupo

1. Salve, ______________!
2. ___________________ ______________________ salutem plurimam dicit

Gaius Popillius Laenas

1. Salve, ______________!
2. ___________________ ______________________ salutem plurimam dicit

Vibia Rutilia Enodiaria

1. Salve, ______________! 2. ___________________ ______________________ salutem plurimam dicit

Gaius Aquillius Rota

1. Salve, ______________!
2. ___________________ ______________________ salutem plurimam dicit

Answers 1

Titus Iulius Sabinus

1. Salve, Tite Iuli Sabine!
2. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Tito Iulio Sabino salutem plurimam dicit

Aula Tullia Scholastica

1. Salve, Aula Tullia Scholastica!
2. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Aulae Tulliae Scholasticae salutem plurimam dicit

Publius Memmius Albucius

1. Salve, Publi Memmi Albuci!
2. Vibius Valerius Volusus Publio Memmio Albucio salutem plurimam dicit

Decius Iunius Palladius Invictus

1. Salve, Deci Iuni Palladi Invicte!
2. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Decio Iunio Palladio Invicto salutem plurimam dicit

Quintus Caecilius Metellus Postumianus Pius

1. Salve, Quinte Caecili Metelle Postumiane Pie!
2. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Quinto Caecilio Metello Postumiano Pio salutem plurimam dicit

Marcus Iulius Perusianus

1. Salve, Marce Iuli Perusiane!
2. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Marco Iulio Perusiano salutem plurimam dicit

Lucius Lucretius Caupo

1. Salve, Luci Lucreti Caupo!
2. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Lucio Lucretio Cauponi salutem plurimam dicit

Gaius Popillius Laenas

1. Salve, Gai Popilli Laenas!
2. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Gaio Popillio Laenati salutem plurimam dicit

Vibia Rutilia Enodiaria

1. Salve, Vibia Rutilia Enodiaria!
2. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Vibiae Rutiliae Enodiariae salutem plurimam dicit

Gaius Aquillius Rota

1. Salve, Gai Aquilli Rota!
2. Gnaeus Cornelius Lentulus Gaio Aquillio Rotae salutem plurimam dicit


Write a short Latin e-mail of one or two sentences, encouraging people to participate in the Certamen Latinum. Add an English translation to the Latin sentence(s) to indicate what the conveyed meaning of your phrases was. If you finished the e-mail, give an individual English title to your message indicating that you are encouraging participation in the Latin Contest, and send it to both my address for this contest for corrections:

<cnaeus_cornelius AT yahoo DOT com>

AND also send it to the following 2 mailing lists:

<> <>

Points are given for each grammatically and syntactically good Latin words that you used in your sentence(s), but no more points will be given than a total of 30 points.


Since these answers of yours are to be sent both publicly and privately to me, there is an EXTRA RULE in this round. You must check the two mailing lists before sending your solutions, and you have to read the entries posted by your fellow contestants. Once you have read what others posted, you have to take care because you CAN NOT USE the same words that previously have been used by your fellow contestants who posted their solutions earlier than you. You can use only synonyms, circumscriptions, or other words.

Words used previously by another contestant will not be awarded by points. SO BE QUICK! The more contestants will have posted before you, the more difficult it will be to phrase your Latin sentence.

Answers 2


Find synonyms for the following words in Latin. The more alternatives you give, the more points you'll get. There's no limit! The only requirement is this: you must give these words in their proper dictionary forms. What are dictionary forms? Learn it here:

These are the words (all are nouns here!) of what you have to give as many synonyms or alternatives as you can:

car (automobil)

Answers 3