Equestrian order (Nova Roma)

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The equestrian order
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Census points
Assidui - Capite censi

Social structure of Nova Roma

The ordo equester (equestrian order or knightly order) of Nova Roma consist of the highest standing citizens who excel in their service to the republic, either by public service, or by financial contribution to the treasury. A knight (or equestrian) in Latin is called an "eques" (in plural: equites). In ancient Rome, the ordo equester was originally made up of those citizens who could afford their own horses and equipment, who would then make up the cavalry of the army. During the republic, the equites became the elite club of citizens. In Nova Roma, we have adopted the ordo equester to encourage contributions and activity in service of our community, and to reward those who sacrificed the most and worked the hardest way for our res publica.


Membership in the ordo equester

View the current list of Equestrians.

The equestrian order consists of two grades: the knighthood and candidates to the knighthood. Each grade has different access requirements. A citizen must be a assiduus citizen to be considered for either grade and to hold any status.

Equestrians are entitled to use the title "eques", or "eques Novus Romanus" (Nova Roman knight or equestrian), or more specifically "eques equo publico", "eques publicus" or "eques equo privato", "eques privatus". They receive distinguished seats and precedence at public events (not over a senator or magistrate). As their insignia, public equestrians are entitled to wear the tunica angusticlavia, the equestrian trabea, the equestrian (golden) ring and equestrian shoes. Private equestrians are entitled only to wear the tunica angusticlavia and the equestrian ring.

Direct descendants and wives or husbands of living knights of Nova Roma are entitled to wear the tunica angusticlavia, and they are considered to be subsidiary members of the ordo equester, although they are not considered knights/equestrians themselves. The legal definition of descendants is "equestri ordine nati" ("from the equestrian order by birth"), that of the wives or husbands is "equestri ordine matrimonio" ("from the equestrian order by marriage").

The censores may select, based on the merits of the individual, a first equestrian among the members of the equites equo publico who shall receive the title princeps iuventutis, and who shall always be included among the equites publici supra classem.

Equites equo publico

The equites equo publico or equites publici, the public equestrians, are the full, premier equestrian members. This knighthood is an awarded title of distinction, granted by the censores. The censores may, at their discretion, award this distinction to those assiduus citizens whom they consider the best of Nova Roma, who, in the censores’ judgment, greatly excelled in their service to Nova Roma or in service to the study and revival of Romanitas in general.

Equites equo privato

The equites equo privato or equites privati, the private equestrians, are assidui who gain this knighthood candidate status automatically once they obtain 400 census points. Citizens can reach the status of eques privatus by accumulating census points either for their service and merit, or by contributing financially to the treasury of Nova Roma according to the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando. As this title is automatically granted, citizens cannot decline it. However, the actual use of the title in civic life is left up to the individual.

Tribuni aerarii equestres

A sub element of the private equestrian order are the members of the tribuni aerarii equestres. These "treasury tribune equestrians" are only preliminary members of the private equestrian order, they are not knights, they are merely entitled to use some of the insignia of the knights. They are only considered “candidates” to the private knighthood. The status of tribunus aerarius equestris may be obtained automatically only by a donation according to the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando.

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