Senatus consultum ultimum de tributis alio modo solutis Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia coss. (Nova Roma)

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Enacted on: a.d. XII Kal. Quint. ‡ Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. ‡ MMDCCLXXIV a.u.c. (In the year of the consulship of Q. Arrius and A. Tullia, 20th June, 24 ANRC / 2774 AUC / 2021 AD)

As in the previous two years, the senate has to collect taxes not in the form of corporate membership fees but voluntary private donations. The (non-corporate) senate decides the following alternatives to the usual taxpayment so that the republic suffer no harm and the citizens can aid the functioning of our community yet still remain in control over their public treasury:

I. Any citizen, who donates any amount of money which is no lower than 9 USD toward the Nova Roma Website Expenses, managed by quaestrix T. Popillia Laenas, will be classified as a non-corporate "assiduus" (taxpayer) for the current year Q. Arrio (III) A. Tullia cos. (2021).

I.A. Special Privileges for Larger Donations

I.A.1. Citizens donating 45 USD, will be recognized as preliminary members of the equestrian order with the title “tribunus aerarius equestris”, and will receive 25 CP which is an advancement by one class upwards. Officially recognized reenactors and Latinist can receive a discount, if requested, so they have to donate only 27 USD. A tribunus aerarius equestris, besides the 25 CP, only receives the clothing privileges of equestrians, nothing else.

I.A.2. Citizens donating 135 USD, will be recognized as full members of the equestrian order with the title “eques equo privato”, and will receive 400 CP which is an immediate advancement to the First Class. Officially recognized reenactors and Latinist can receive a discount, if requested, so they have to donate only 81 USD.

I.B. Definition of Reenactors and Latinists

I.B.1. Reenactors can be recognized as such by presenting photographic evidence to the consuls (or if censors are elected, to the censors) who shall register the name of the reenactment group where they belong (if there’s any). Reenactors applying for this reduction agree that the presented photographs can be used in publications of the websites and internet pages of Nova Roma.

I.B.2. Latinists can be recognized as such by presenting the consuls (or if censors are elected, to the censors) a certification, obtained through a Latin examination by a Nova Roman educational institution, or outside Nova Roma, which proves Latin fluency in writing. In the absence of such a document, the consul can assign the task of examination to a Nova Roman committee of Latin teachers, described by the lex Arria de censu civium aestimando, who shall decide if the applicant for the status of Latinist may be qualified as having Latin fluency in writing.

II. These taxes shall not be advertised as the usual "taxes" (membership fees) in Nova Roma in order not to cause a misleading confusion between these voluntary donations and the membership fee within Nova Roma, Inc. This call for donations doesn't qualify and is not intended to be perceived as the membership fee within Nova Roma, Inc. This donation is outside of the corporate frames of Nova Roma, Inc, and it is intended as a collection of private donations toward financing the costs of the website hosting fees of Nova Roma, Inc.. Members of Nova Roma don't gain any offices, titles or any status within Nova Roma, Inc., by contributing these donations, but they will be recognized only within the non-corporate community of Nova Roma, which currently plays the role of the Nova Roman res publica.

III. If during this current year the res publica repossesses the corporate status and the two entities will be reunited, the noncorporate benefits of these donations will become corporate benefits and donations will be accounted as corporate membership fee payments.

IV. The deadline for submitting the aforementioned donations will be the Kalends of September (1 September).

V. Citizens who don't contribute the donations as described above will be classified as capite censi and will lose their state positions, offices and titles, which are connected to a required assiduus status, including senatorial or equestrian status, after pridie Kal. Nov. (31 October). Only citizens who have already paid this year’s taxpayment donations are allowed to run for office and be appointed to any office or priesthood after the enactment of the senatus consultum ultimum.

VI. A late donation made after Kal. Sept. (1 September) should be no lower than 18 USD, the double of the basic donation. If a citizen obtains his citizenship after the Kalends of September (1 September), the citizen shall donate the normal amount until the new tax season will be announced, without the penalty.

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