NOVA ROMA Religio Romana

Guidelines for applying
for Priesthood in Nova Roma


  1. We ask that applicants have sincere religious feeling for the deity who's priesthood they wish to undertake. It is necessary that the applicant worship that deity in private life in addition to being willing to preside over public rituals on behalf of Nova Roma. As our central goal is to restore sincere as well as traditional worship of the ancient Gods, we cannot grant Priesthood status to Citizens who apply only for reasons of historical curiosity or for purposes of secular historical reenactment.
  2. We ask that Priesthood applicants have real time to devote toward advancing the worship of their chosen deity both within Nova Roma and in the outside world. This involves being available for public correspondence concerning the worship of the God or Goddess they serve, assisting others in their personal worship, working to reconstruct rites, prayers and other religious liturgy related to their deity, being available for public rites sponsored by Nova Roma, and ideally, organizing public rites/temples on their own as well. We feel that Priesthood is defined by active service on many levels. Therefore we cannot provide empty "titles" for those who are unable to put forth genuine effort.
  3. We must ask that all Priesthood applicants be able to do College-level literary research to recover the historical facts of their Priesthood, and the worship of the God or Goddess they seek to serve. The restoration of the Religio Romana is still in its first stages and it is the Priesthood that must do the historical work to make their chosen path come alive again. Each Priestess or Priest will be required to create a complete written "plan" for rebuilding the worship of their deity at some point, This will need to include not only a historical overview of their God or Goddesses ancient worship, but also written rituals for the deities festival days, prayers and rites for others who seek to worship that deity, offering liturgy, etc. We recommend that applicants have access to one or more good libraries, or have the means to find/buy scholarly books and resource materials.
  4. We must also request that applicants agree to act within a Roman reconstructionist format while acting as an official Priestess or Priest of Nova Roma. This means being as historically accurate as possible in rituals, offerings, prayers, written text, etc. As we are seeking to build the Religio Romana as a distinct religion in the modern world, it is important that it's practices be as unique today as they were in the antiquity.
  5. We ask that applicants be involved with Nova Roma as a Citizen for six months before applying for a Priesthood position. This is important because members of the Priesthood are acting on behalf of Nova Roma itself, and some experience with the community you will be working with is necessary. This can only come with time.

If you agree and can practice within the five initial guidelines above, you are invited to formally apply for Priesthood within Nova Roma. To apply, please answer the following ten questions and send them to: PONTIFICES.

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  1. Please give your legal name, Roman name, and email address (the pontifices may need to contact you for clarification of your responses).
  2. Legal Name:
    Roman Name:
    Email Address:
    On what date did you become a citizen of Nova Roma?
    Date of Citizenship:
  3. For which priestly office do you wish to apply?

  4. Please write a brief outline of your religious history up till now, including any practical involvement you have had with the Religio Romana.
  5. Why do you want to become a Priest/ess?
  6. What skills do you have that will both further the worship of your chosen deity, AND assist others in *their* worship?
  7. Do you have a Lararium in your home, and are you currently doing the household rites? Please describe your household worship.
  8. What books have you read which deal with ancient Roman religion?
  9. Working toward Priesthood will require historical research on your part. What resources do you have for acquiring scholarly texts?
  10. Please give a short overview of the deity you wish to serve. What is this deity the god or goddess of, how were they worshipped in the ancient world, and why are they important?
  11. What future do you see for the worship of your deity? How would you like to see this aspect of the Religio Romana progress?


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The steps to officially joining the Priesthood

Once your application is received by the Pontificial College, it will be given an initial evaluation. Another set of questions may be asked of you if points are unclear. At that point the Collegia will either officially accept you into Priesthood training, or will inform you that they cannot accept your application at this time.

Priesthood Training - The Camillia Program

In ancient Rome, those who worked toward priesthood would be taken on as an "apprentice," a Camillus or Camilla. Historically this position was held by young adults, but in essence it is a position in which one is able to learn about the Religio Romana. The historical Camilia acted as ritual "attendants" in addition to taking religious studies, and in Nova Roma those holding this first position will also be able to take on active religious duties in addition to research and study.

Anyone accepted as a Camillus or Camillia will be an "unofficial" priest or priestess for a six-month evaluation term. In that time necessary studies and research will be done, ritual will be mastered, and the intent and abilities of each candidate will be fully evaluated. At the end of the six month Camillia term, candidates will be either fully vested as Official priesthood of Nova Roma, or will not. If at this point someone must be declined for full priesthood they will continue to be considered a Camillus or Camilla... or educated layperson — with religious status as someone who has trained and done an above average amount of religious work.

During the six month Camillia term, Priesthood candidates will be required to complete at least 50% of a complete written plan for rebuilding the worship of their chosen deity. Those completing the Camillia term will be issued a Certificate of official acknowledgment of training from the Pontificial College. Those accepted into Priesthood will receive Certification of Priesthood within Nova Roma.

Once a Camillus or Camilla is elevated to Official Priesthood, it will be their job to help build the worship of their deity within Nova Roma. Priests and Priestesses will work alongside the Pontificial College, yet will have much autonomy in building their own portion of the Religio Romana within historical guidelines. Priests and Priestesses will be the contact person for those wishing to honor the deity they serve, and will be expected to assist others in coming to know the Gods. Priesthood will be expected to preside over public rituals at least some Nova Roma events, and will be asked to organize public events of their own as the Religio Romana itself grows. Together we will work to restore the Religio Romana in a way that is true to history yet meaningful for today... so that the worship of the ancient Gods and Goddesses will remain a living path.

Anyone who needs further clarification or who has questions about the above is invited to write to the Pontificial College: PONTIFICES.


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