Spinoffs, Imitators and Impostors

NOVA ROMA is not alone in our efforts to restore the Roman Republic. Over the years, there have been spinoffs, imitators, and completely independent groups with missions similar to our own, or whose histories have been connected to ours.


Antonina Imperium Romanum Hellenicum
  • Status: VANISHED - website inactive November 2002.

"The Imperium is a religious and cultural entity. Its primary purpose is to support the revival and restoration of the Pagan religions and cults of ancient Greece and Rome."

New Roman Republic
  • Status: INACTIVE (February 2003)
  • Members: 26; 5 Senators
  • Founded: May 2002?
  • Defunct: Feb 2003

"We of the New Roman Republic are committed to the study of Classical Roman history, and the rebirth of the ideals of the Ancient Roman Republic in the 21st century."

Previously known as Nova Sparta, the New Roman Republic seems to have similar goals as Nova Roma.

Societas Via Romana
  • Status: Active (February 2003)
  • Members: 102 (about 40 active), 12 Senators
  • Founded: May 2001
  • Leader: Two Consuls, elected annually.

"The Societas Via Romana is an international organisation dedicated to the active study, discussion, recreation and application of topics related to classical Rome and other ancient civilizations..."

The SVR was begun by citizens and former citizens of Nova Roma, some of whom had resigned their citizenship here due to political disagreements. They have an active system of Collegia devoted to various topics. It is by far the most serious and viable of the groups listed here.

Imperium of Nova Roma
  • Status: VANISHED (February 2003)
  • Members: 15?
  • Founded: January 10 2003
  • Vanished: before 2/19/2003
  • Leader: Imperator Quintus Vicarious

Not a serious effort, this seems to be a role-playing exercise, a spin-off of other "micronations" with fictional geographies. The founder claims he can "...prove a right to that name going back to the later half of 2001, when the province and city of Nova Roma was first put on the map of Machiavellial..."

Imperium Romanorum
  • Status: Active (February 2003)
  • Members: 320 (unverified)
  • Founded: October 28, 2000
  • Leader: His Imperial Highness, Romanus Augustus

"The Sole Heirs of a Great Empire!"

"The Imperium Romanorum is a coalition of groups and individuals committed to Romanitas, the idea that the Roman people are one people with a shared history, values and language."

This Imperium includes a component of fantasy; they claim a projected population of 82,944 in 2010, have a "Roman space programme", and are working on a national high-performance network of 2.5 gigabits per second (yet host their site on "freewebs.com").

The Imperium Romanorum is governed by a Constitution suspiciously similar to that of Nova Roma (copied word-for-word, in some parts). Prominent citizens include T. Aurelius Ursus and Drusus Claudius Camillus, of the New Roman Republic.

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