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Senatus consultum on appointment of Flavia Claudia Juliana as Curatrix AquilaSenatus consultum on appointment of Flavia Claudia Juliana to the SenateSenatus consultum on appointment of Flavius Vedius Germanicus as Dictator
Senatus consultum on appointment of Gaius Drusus Domitianus as Propraetor of the Great Lakes ProvinciaSenatus consultum on appointment of Lucius Cornelius Sulla as QuaestorSenatus consultum on appointment of Lucius Equitius Cincinnatus to the Senate
Senatus consultum on appointment of Marcus Martianus Gangalius as Aedilis CuruleSenatus consultum on appointment of Mg. Hadrianus Proconsul of Thule Provincia MMDCCLI (Nova Roma)Senatus consultum on appointment of Minervina Iuvundia Flavia as Governor of Southeast US Provincia
Senatus consultum on appointment of Patricia Cassia as QuaestorSenatus consultum on appointment of PontificesSenatus consultum on appointment of Propraetors
Senatus consultum on appointment of Provincial Praetors for 1999Senatus consultum on appointment of Q. Claudia Lucentia Aprica as Proconsul of Britannia ProvinciaSenatus consultum on appointment of Quintus Caecilius Metellus as Consul Suffectus
Senatus consultum on appointment of Scipio Hyeanus Africanus as Proconsul of the Southwest U.S. ProvinciaSenatus consultum on authorized signers (Nova Roma)Senatus consultum on citizenship costing panel
Senatus consultum on conflicts of interestSenatus consultum on converting capite censi to assiduiSenatus consultum on converting capite censi to assidui 2771
Senatus consultum on derived meaning from legal authorities (Nova Roma)Senatus consultum on diplomatic recognition of Federation ArkSenatus consultum on diplomatic recognition of the Republic of Porto Claro
Senatus consultum on expulsion of Lucius Marconius Romanus as a CitizenSenatus consultum on financial disbursements (Nova Roma)Senatus consultum on governance of Italia & public call for governors
Senatus consultum on governorshipsSenatus consultum on legal drafting (Nova Roma)Senatus consultum on minimum standards for appointment as propraetor (Nova Roma)
Senatus consultum on new or returning citizens taxSenatus consultum on new or returning citizens tax 2771Senatus consultum on patres patriae appointments (Nova Roma)
Senatus consultum on payments January 2012Senatus consultum on provinces of activity (Nova Roma)Senatus consultum on ratification of Constitution Changes as Passed by the Comitia Centuriata
Senatus consultum on re-enactor legions (Nova Roma)Senatus consultum on reappointment of Flavius Vedius Germanicus to the SenateSenatus consultum on remission of the tax in the favour of L. Equitius Cincinnatus Augur (Nova Roma)
Senatus consultum on standardization of Titles for Provincial Magistrates

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