Sodalitates (Nova Roma)

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Several Sodalitates, or associations, exist within Nova Roma for the discussion of topics of special interest to citizens, such as the arts, the Roman millitary, the Latin language, and more. Most of these Sodalitates have web sites and mailing lists of their own.

Any citizen may be a member of any Sodalitas, and non-citizens often participate in their mailing lists as well.

Sodalitates must be approved by the Senate.


Sodalitas Coquorum et Cerevisiae Coctorum

The Society of Cooks and Brewers

Devoted to the research, preparation, and enjoyment of the beverages, foods and dining methods of Roma Antiqua, those of cultures with which she came into contact, those of Nova Roma and the host cultures of Nova Roma's Cives. The main emphasis of all efforts is Roma Antiqua, with an eye to the future of Nova Roma. The Sodalitas provides a forum for communication and exchange of information between the brewers and cooks of Nova Roma, and to the benefit of the general population.

Dominus: S. Ullerius Venator Piperbarbus

Mailing List:

Established: 17 Februarius MMDCCLII (charter)

The recipe falls into the catagory of tasty "modernisms" mentioned on the Sodalis front page.

Food is the natural compliment to beverages.

I present here a recipe for one of the specialities of the house. This is a rolled, stuffed flank steak. I learned how to make it from my mother.

Bracciola (pronounced in our family as breh' zjole) is one of my favorite things to make and eat.

I've included a variation for the vegetarians in the audience.

The stuffing ingredients can be varied as the list of foods which compliment the flavor of beef.

Some stuffings I have used: Italian sausage (hot and sweet) with mushrooms Mozzarella cheese and mushroom Popcorn shrimp and smoked ham Mixed Italian cheeses and hardboiled egg Mixed Italian cheeses, egg and pepperoni Celery, carrots, mushroom and onion

The variety of tastes in the Bracciola can be as simple or complex as the cook likes.

In this article I shall describe a Bracciola filled with mushrooms, cheeses, onion and peppers.

01. Take a large flank steak (as close to 2# as possible) and butterfly it (cut it through the thickness, across the grain so it lays flat like the leaves of a book). 02. Pound the steak with a coarse meat mallet to help tenderize and stretch it out. 03. Season the meat on both sides with a light sprinkling of salt, ground pepper (black, white, cayenne and sweet paprika), oregano, sweet basil and onion & garlic powders. 04. Roll up the meat in plastic wrap and let it "marinate" in the refridgerator while the stuffing is prepared. 05. Mix together: 1 c chopped white mushrooms (flavored with 2 T of rehydrated, chopped Porcinis), 3/4 c shredded, low moisture Mozzarella, 1/4 c each, freshly grated Asiago, Romano and Parmesan, 1 ea sm yellow and red onion - diced, 1/2 ea green, yellow and red Bell peppers - diced. Don't worry if this seems too much, the excess is spread over the outside of the Bracciola when it is placed in the baking dish. 06. Lay out the meat, place 2/3 of the stuffing alongside the center line of the steak. Fold this side of the meat over and roll the rest of the steak around this pocket. Tuck the ends in and secure the roll with cotton butcher's cord. 07. Preheat the oven to 350F. 08. In a hot pan, pour in just enough olive oil to cover the bottom. Sear the meat all around. 09. Place the browned meat roll into a lightly oiled baking pan. Spread the rest of the stuffing over it. Drizzle on a little olive oil and red wine. Bake covered for 30 to 40 minutes, or until done to taste (I like mine medium rare). 10. Slice into 1" (approx.) portions.

Serve with buttered egg noodles and steamed spinach (dressed with olive oil, lemon juice and crushed garlic).

(((Another method, if one likes sauce, is to cover the whole with 1# each of diced and crushed tomatos (Roma or Plum). Then substitute macaroni or spaghetti for the egg noodles.)))

A variation is to use the stuffing mix (seasoned with the spices normally used on the meat) as the filling in a pair of pies and use a little extra grated cheese as a topper. Bake at 325F for 45 to 50 minutes, until golden brown. (Wrap the crust rim in aluminum foil to prevent overcooking.) The finished pie is wonderfully complimented by spinach (as above), black olives almonds and figs.

"Drink what you like." - Justinian Wilsonius Acadianus

In Amicus sub Fidelis - S. Ullerius Venator Piperbarbus - Dominus Sodalis

Sodalitas Egressus

Nova Roma Outreach

The Sodalitas Egressus of Nova Roma was founded to promote our Republic and establish person-to-person contact of cives of Nova Roma with other organizations of Roman-related interests. This Sodalitas list provides its members with a point of contact, whereby various Sodalitas ventures are discussed, and where events sponsored by either Nova Roma or other organizations shall be posted.

Praefectus Fabrum: Marcus Minucius Audens

Mailing List:

Established: 14 Iunius MMDCCLIII (charter)

Sodalitas Latinitatis

The Latin Society

Civibus Novae Romae qui linguae litterisve Latinis vel philologiae classicae studeant, locus ubi haec agitentur nec non promotio Latinitatis Novae Romae. Tabellae Latine aliisque linguis scriptae accipiuntur.

For citizens of Nova Roma with an interest in the Latin Language, Latin Literature, and Classical Philology, a place to discuss these matters along with the promotion of Latinity in Nova Roma. Messages in Latin and other languages are welcome.

Mailing List:

Sodalitas Militarium

Roman Military

Members discuss and study aspects of the Roman Military with focus on Infantry, Cavalry, Naval, Engineering and Cartography. Although the Sodalitas Militarium in no way promotes conquest and unnecessary military force, we are intrigued by the efficiency of the Roman Military Vehicle and its positive contributions to the foundation of Ancient and contemporary civilization, as well as its tactical legacy to the military forces of today. Members discuss Ancient Roman military strategies, tactics, battles, and plan future sodalitas events. The Sodalitas is also involved in the sponsoring of Roman Reenactment Legions worldwide.

Praefectus Fabrum: Marcus Minucius Audens

Mailing List:


Sodalitas Munerum

Gladiatorial Combat

An association of Nova Roman citizens interested in the art of gladiatorial combat and related entertainments as practiced in ancient Rome. The Sodalitas is formed for the purpose of staging such games in as safe a manner as possible while still remaining authentic and entertaining. To further that end, the Sodalitas shall facilitate research, the production of armor and weapons, training, staging games, and those other activities which are deemed to support that mission.

Mailing List:

Established: 18 Julius MMDCCLIV (charter)

Sodalitas Musarum

Arts and Literature


The Sodalitas Musarum, under the patronage of Apollo and the Nine Muses, endeavours to develop and serve the cultural and artistic life of Nova Roma.

The Sodalitas Musarum is composed of ten Collegia, each of which is named after and under the patronage of the appropriate Muse or Apollo.

Collegia Sodalitatis

I. Calliope (Epic Poetry)
II. Clio (History and Social Science)
III. Euterpe (Music)
IV. Melpomene (Tragedy)
V. Terpsichore (Dance)
VI. Erato (Lyric Poetry)
VII. Polyhymnia (Sacred Song and Verse)
VIII. Urania (Astronomy and Natural Science)
IX. Thalia (Comedy)
X. Apollo (Graphic and Plastic Arts, and Architecture)

Coryphaea: Aula Tullia Scholastica


Mailing List:

Established: 05 December MMDCCLIII