Ludi Compitalicii 2768 AUC (Nova Roma)

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"The city of Rome was divided into a number of local units know as vici, each with is own pair of magistrates, and cult of the Lares Compitales located at key crossroads (on vici in Rome see Flambard 1977 and 1981; Laurence 1991). It was at the shrines of the Lares Compitales that the magistri vici celebrated festivals such as the Compitalia. Thus each inhabitant of the city was a member of a vicus, which had magistrates and its own local cult of the Lares Compitales. This organization would have provided each individual inhabitant with a sense of identity and place in the city. The vici played an important part in politics, and were utilized by Publius Clodius for the organization of violent demonstrations in the 50s BC (Vanderbroeck 1987)."

From Roman Pompeii: Space and Society by Ray Laurence
Published by Routledge (April 15, 2013)
Print ISBN-10: 0415141036
Print ISBN-13: 978-0415141031


Tarquinius Priscus may have instituted the yearly festival known as Compitalia or Ludi Compitalicii, in honor of the lares compitales. Slaves presented sacrifices of honey-cakes (pevlanoi) at the Compitalia, which was probably celebrated a few days after the Saturnalia. Macrobius (Saturn. i.7) says that at the celebration of the Compitalia, boys were sacrificed to Mania, the mother of the lares. After the expulsion of the Tarquins, garlic and poppies were substituted for the boys.

Magistri vici presided over the Compitalia festival, which included public games until the senate did away with the Compitalia in B.C. 68. During the civil wars the festival fell into disuse, but Augustus revived the Compitalia and made the lares of the emperor the state lares. He created an order of priests (Augustales) to attend to the worship of the lares.

Priests or magistrates selected the day -- as was true of other "feriae conceptivae" -- of the Compitalia each year.

Lares and the Compitalia

In ancient Roman religion, the Compitalia (Latin: Ludi Compitalicii) was a festival celebrated once a year in honor of the Lares Compitales, local deities of the crossroads, to whom sacrifices were offered at the places where two or more ways meet. The word compitales comes from compitum, meaning a cross-way in the Latin language. The city of Rome was protected by a Lar, or Lares, housed in a shrine (sacellum) on the City's ancient, sacred boundary (pomerium). Each Roman vicus (pl. vici – administrative districts or wards) had its own communal Lares, housed in a permanent shrine at a central crossroads of the district. These Lares Compitalicii were celebrated at the Compitalia festival (from the Latin compitum, a crossroad) just after the Saturnalia that closed the old year. In the "solemn and sumptuous" rites of Compitalia, a pig was led taken in celebratory procession through the streets of the vicus then sacrificed to the Lares at their Compitalia shrine. Cult offerings to these Lares were much the same as those to domestic Lares; in the late Republican era, Dionysius of Halicarnassus describes the contribution of a honey-cake from each household as ancient tradition.

See Lares and the Compitalia in Wikipedia.
See Comitalia in Wikipedia.


See the Lares article in Wikipedia for a discussion of the various types of Lares, including the Lares Compitales.


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The Lar, known also as the Lar familiaris, was the Roman household deity who protected the land that the family lived upon. The Lar was the center of the household cult, his shrine, known as a lararium was usually in one of the common rooms of the house, so the entire family and slaves could make offerings, always on the Kalends, Nones and Ides, as well as on special occasions such as banquets. It was only in the time of Augustus that the plural lares was used.

"Keeper of the Gate"

/Quoting from: Crapsey, Algernon Sidney. The Ways of the Gods. New York: The International Press, 1920. (Out of Print)/

The family as we know it today bears little of no relation to that ancient institution of which the Lar was the "Keeper of the Gate". In the early history of Rome, the title to the land was possession and use, because it was to a Roman the source of his life, its cultivation gave him occupation, upon the land he build his house and in the land he made his grave, therefore the land to the archaic man was sacred; for not only was it the home of the living, it was also the place of the dead, and it was the dead ancestors in their graves who really possessed the land and, as the Lares, were the "Keepers of the Gates".

Fear and reverence of the Lares

The belief of the ancient man in the ghosts of his fathers, with their unknown power to help and harm, was better than a title deed to secure each man in the possession of his land. Every family feared the Lares of every other family. The earth in those days was peopled with a host of spiritual beings — unseen, unheard, smiting with the pestilence, and killing with the plague. If any untoward accident befell a man, or sickness came to him after he had trespassed on his neighbor's land, then he, as well as his neighbor, ascribed his misfortune to the wrath of the Lar of that land. Thus each man had a wholesome fear of the ghosts of his neighbor. He was ready to fight his neighbor, whom he could see, but not his neighbor's ghosts, whom he could not see.

The temple to the Lares is first mentioned in connection with a series of prodigious events (106 BC):

Amiterni cum ex ancilla puer nasceretur, ave dixit. In agro Perusino et Romae locis aliquot lacte pluit. Inter multa fulmine icta Atellis digiti hominis quattuor tamquam ferro praecisi. Argentum signatum afflatu fulminis diffluxit. In agro Trebulano mulier nupta civi Romano fulmine icta nec exanimata. Fremitus caelestis auditus et pila caelo cadere visa. Sanguine pluit. Romae interdiu fax sublime volans conspecta. In aede Larum flamma a fastigio ad summum columen penetravit innoxia. Per Caepionem consulem senatorum et equitum iudicia communicata. Cetera in pace fuerunt. - Iulius Obsequens 41

And it was part of the original pomerium of the City:

Regum in eo ambitio vel gloria varie vulgata: sed initium condendi, et quod pomerium Romulus posuerit, noscere haud absurdum reor. igitur a foro boario, ubi aereum tauri simulacrum aspicimus, quia id genus animalium aratro subditur, sulcus designandi oppidi coeptus ut magnam Herculis aram amplecteretur; inde certis spatiis interiecti lapides per ima montis Palatini ad aram Consi, mox curias veteres, tum ad sacellum Larum, inde forum Romanum; forumque et Capitolium non a Romulo, sed a Tito Tatio additum urbi credidere. mox pro fortuna pomerium auctum. et quos tum Claudius terminos posuerit, facile cognitu et publicis actis perscriptum."

(There are various popular accounts of the ambitious and vainglorious efforts of our kings in this matter. Still, I think, it is interesting to know accurately the original plan of the precinct, as it was fixed by Romulus. From the ox market, where we see the brazen statue of a bull, because that animal is yoked to the plough, a furrow was drawn to mark out the town, so as to embrace the great altar of Hercules; then, at regular intervals, stones were placed along the foot of the Palatine hill to the altar of Consus, soon afterwards, to the old Courts, and then to the chapel of the Lares. The Roman forum and the Capitol were not, it was supposed, added to the city by Romulus, but by Titus Tatius. In time, the precinct was enlarged with the growth of Rome's fortunes. The boundaries now fixed by Claudius may be easily recognized, as they are specified in the public records.) - - Tacitus, Annals xii.24

Sacredness of private property

In the good old days every house was haunted and every field bewitched, and it was the haunt and the bewitchment that was the safety of the house and the land. Domestic religion was the keeper of domestic wealth and life. It was the fear of the Lares that gave sacredness to property and made theft and trespass not only a crime but a sacrilege.

This sacredness of property was religion in its origin. It existed for centuries before it gave rise to the civil laws that are now its security. Long before the reign of the law we had the reign of Lar. Each house-father, absolute lord and master of his own house and land, was under the protection of his Lar; the fear of them and the dread of them was upon all the country-round about. If his lands were seized by a stronger man than he, his Lar were expelled from the land, the graves of his ancestors violated, and he and his household were either killed or reduced to slavery.

This relation of the family to the land, and of the house-father to the family, classified ancient society as master and slave, patron and client, patrician and plebeian. With the institution of the family, there came into existence a class of out-family men and women: runaway slaves, prodigal sons, remnants of broken families; men and women without land, without Manes, without Lares, having no place at any family altar. Private property in land, the basic principle of the family, was the fruitful cause of poverty, with the wretchedness and degradation that always follow in its camp. That same poverty is today destroying the family and changing the face of civilization.

Private property in land has, in the course of time, passed out of the keeping of the family Lar into the care of the civil law; what man had once to do for himself society now does for him. The "Keepers of the Gates" were no longer the Lares but the lawyers.


Beard & North "Religions of Rome"

Results for Ludi Compitalicii 2768 AUC

The final results of the Chariot Races for Ludi Compitalicii 2768 AUC:

Place Chariot Driver Owner Factio
1 Magellan Amarach Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus Russata
2 Fugiens Noctis Tiberius Vitellius Triarius Lucius Vitellius Triarius Veneta
3 Tempestus Albus Arianrhod Gaia Maria Caeca Albata
4 Celt Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus Russata
5 Venetus Volesius Volusus of Ostia Lucius Vitellius Triarius Veneta
6 Venetus Volcanus Vorenus of Aletrium Lucius Vitellius Triarius Veneta
7 Ventrus Albus Anwyn wife of Hermanus Gaia Maria Caeca Albata
8 Victoria! Ivan the Sarmatian Gaia Maria Caeca Albata
9 Somnium Diurna Enyo Statia Cornelia Aeternia Veneta

Chariot Race Finals Report

Yesterday was the Compitalia and we have a special report on the races that took place at the Circus Maximus from our reporter Titus Nautius Sura.

Salvete omnes! There was plenty of action yesterday at the track but the final race to determine the victor was exceptional. The seven finalists who participated in the final race were: Astianax, driving the chariot "Boihaemum", owned by Tiberius Iulius Nerva for Factio Russata in Lane 1; Iason, driving the chariot "Ulysses", owned by Marca Valeria Pavo for Factio Praesina in Lane 2; Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus, driving his own chariot "Quicksilver", for Factio Russata in Lane 3; Barinthus, driving the chariot "Faolchú Dubh", owned by Marcus Martianius Lupus for Factio Veneta in Lane 4; Aurora, driving the chariot "Harbinger", owned by Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus for Factio Russata in Lane 5; Maleos of Alexandria, driving the chariot "White Lightning", owned by Gaius Decius Laterensis for Factio Albata in Lane 6; and, Ursinus, driving the chariot "Blue Max", owned by Marcus Martianius Lupus for Factio Veneta in Lane 7.

Thousands of spectators cheered with confetti in the colors of the four factions filling the air. The crowd was very lively and more than ready to crown a victor. So let's cut to the highlights and see how it turned out...

The consul is preparing to start this final race!

The quadrigae are in position in the carceres. The horses are bristling with anticipation. The team in lane 2 driven by Jason appear to be a bit skittish.

The trumpets sound!

From the magistrates box, Consul Caninus drops the mappa and they are off!

Maleos and Jason take off leaving the others behind. Aurora is behind them but her position prevents Censor Placidus from being able to pass! Astianax is pushing Barinthus into the spina as they go around the meta! Astianax handles the turn well! Maleos and Jason thunder towards the second lap! Aurora is now focused on the other quadrigae, and Astianax, biding his time, trailing at a steady pace!

The dolphin turns in the second lap, it's Maleos 1st, Jason 2nd, Aurora 3rd and Astianax 4th! There is a fast run down the straightway with all quadrigae maintaining their place! Whoaaaa!!!!!!!!!!! Ursinus has come up wide around the metae and charges into the lead! He has centered himself in the track strategically! Jason thunders forward and positions himself near the spina but not passing the Ursinus! It is Ursinus in the lead position, with Jason on the inside in second, almost flanked by Aurora in 3rd with Maleos on the inside in 4th as they head down the stretch. Placidus lashes Astianax! Placidus gets too close, slips and recovers his balance holding onto his chariot's top rail as his horses demonstrate their excellent training.

The crowd is cheering and jeering, there is fighting in the stands and in the cavae between Russata fans of both men.

Maleos moves ahead of the Aurora! Maleos prevents her from passing him as they turn the curve into the 3rd lap!

It's Jason in first but Ursinus is almost neck in neck in 2nd , Maleos is two lengths behind in 3rd and Aurora, Barinthus, Placidus and Jason are fighting for position in the trailing pack! Maleos passes the Ursinus! Charging ahead is Aurora lashing at Ursinus! Ursinus lashes back and urges his horses forward! And Ursinus has passed Jason! Jason gains the lead once again and is near the spina! What is this? Aurora has lashed her way past a wounded Maleos! Folks - blood is wetting the sand! Jason and Aurora are once again exchanging lashes! Aurora moves into first place! Her horses sport a rich lather.

More fighting breaks out in the stands, the roar is deafening, the soldiers rush into the stands and the cavae to prevent injury.

Aurora enters the 4th lap in first place, closely followed by Jason in 2nd, Ursinus in 3rd, a wounded Maleos in 4th, Placidus in 5th, Astianax in 6th and Barinthus last. Jason makes his move along the spina! Aurora Is not having it! Jason sends a flurry of lashes against Aurora! Aurora is returning them with enraged shouts! And Maleos has just lashed passed Ursinus! He appears focused! The dust of the track makes it hard to see who is in the lead! But Jason surges forward and has regained position near the spina as they pass the meta for the final time. Jason and Maleos charge down the track neck in neck to the finish line! Aurora and Ursinus are not far behind! It looks like a dead heat for first place as Maleos and Jason cross the finish line!"

Spectators rush out of the stands! Minutes pass...

Citizens! I have the official decision! In 7th place, Astianax, driving Boihaemum, owned by Tiberius Iulius Nerva for Russata. In 6th place, Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus, driving his own chariot Quicksilver for Russata. In 5th place, Barinthus, driving Faolchú Dubh, owned by Marcus Martianius Lupus for Veneta. In 4th place, Ursinus, driving Blue Max, owned by PMarcus Martianius Lupus for Veneta. In 3rd place, Aurora, driving Harbinger, owned by Publius Annaeus Constantinus Placidus, for Russata. In 2nd place, by a fraction of a length, Jason, driving Ulysses, owned by Marca Valeria Pavo for Praesina.

Ladies and Gentlemen, I give you Maleos of Alexandria, driving White Lightning, owned by Gaius Decius Laterensis for Russata, winner of the 2768 auc Ludi Compitalicii Circenses!

What a Race! Be careful leaving the Circus, get out safe because there are many parties and feasts all over town this night! And, please, be responsible, do not drink and drive.

This is Titus Nautius Sura, and on behalf of Nova Roma Broadcasting, I bid you all good night!