Legio I Adiutrix (Nova Roma)

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Legio I Adiutrix - Terra Apulum.gif

The Legio I Adiutrix of our Provincia Dacia is an allied legion of Nova Roma, and it is maintained by the "Asociația Terra Apulum", a Romanian nonprofit corporation based in Alba Iulia, Romania. The legion was founded by optio K. Quirinius Dasius, who is the current commanding officer, praefectus, of the legion.


The ceremonial supreme commanders of all legions within Nova Roma are the consules of Nova Roma, and the praetores are the vice-supreme commanders. The provincial ceremonial commander-in-chief of the Legio I Adiutrix (and all other legionary units in Provincia Dacia), is the governor of Dacia, the legatus pro praetore Cn. Cornelius Lentulus.

The actual commander of the allied Legio I Adiutrix, as the highest ranking officer within the legion, is the praefectus K. Quirinius Dasius. He exercises command through his subordinate operational commanders.


State Generals (political officers of the republic):

Legionary Officers:

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