Kalends ritual (Nova Roma)

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While the [[Lares]] and [[Di Penates]] are honored every day in the pious Roman household, the Kalends (first day of the month) are days when a more elaborate ceremony should be observed. The Kalends in particular are sacred to [[Iuno Regina]] (Iuno Queen of the Gods). The Kalends ritual is performed at the ''[[lararium]]''.
The Kalends is the first day of the month in the Roman calendar.  On this day in Roma Antiqua, when the slightest crescent of the new moon appeared, the Rex Sacrorum was accompanied by a secondary Pontifex in making a sacrifice in the Curia Calabra on the Capitoline Hill.  This sacrifice was made to Juno and also honored [[Ianus]]; the prevailing idea being that Ianus, as the God of Good Beginnings, assisted Juno in giving "birth" to the new month.
The Kalends ritual is usually celebrated early in the morning (at sunrise) by the head of the household (usually the eldest male). If circumstances (or family tradition) dictate, it may be performed at noon, or before sunset. No sexual activity is permitted prior to the rite. The performer of the rite does not break his fast prior to performing the rite (if celebrated at sunrise); only a little tea or coffee is permitted.
In the course of this sacrifice, the name of Juno Covella was invoked as the date of the Nones was announced. After the Rex Sacrorum fulfilled his duties in performing this sacrifice, his wife the Regina Sacrorum would perform a sacrifice to Juno in the Regia in the Forum.
While the [[Collegium Pontificum]] performed their religious duties on behalf of the Roman State, in every home the Lares of the familia were especially honored on this day.
Before the rite the Paterfamilias washes his hands (having also previously bathed or showered beforehand) while saying the [[prayer for ablution]]. He wears a clean white [[tunica]] and [[toga]]. Draped in his toga he veils his head (''Capite Velato'') in preparation for the rite. This is done to prevent him from seeing any ill omens during the performance of the rite. The ritual presented below assumes the lararium is to the North. When ''[[adoratio]]'' is indicated, one raises the right hand to the lips, kisses the fingertips of the right hand, and then extends the hand out in offering. The body should also be swung (twisted) once, left to right, so that the hand is moved sideways in a "general offering" motion. Whenever the burning of incense is indicated, frankincense would be quite appropriate.
This ritual is performed in clean clothing; if possible, a clean [[tunica]] and [[toga]] are best, even better if they are white. The toga should be draped in ''capite velato'', so as to veil the performer from any and all ill omens that might present themselves in the course of the ritual.
==The Ritual==
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Facing north, the Paterfamilias lights the ''[[lucerna]]'' and burns some preliminary [[incense]] in the ''[[turibulum]]'' designated for "incense only" in front of the lararium before the rite in order to purify the place. The Paterfamilias incenses himself also. He lights the charcoal in the other turibulum.
*Wash both hands in clean water and pray:
*In front of the lararium the Paterfamilias calms his breathing, and meditates silently for a moment to "center" himself.
'''''May this water cast out all impurities from my substance as from lead to gold.'''''
'''''"Salve Iane Pater Matutine (adoratio). Admitte me (touch the right hand to the breast) coram numina lucentia."'''''
*Place both hands upon your head and pray:
'''''Purify my mind.'''''
*Incense is then burned in the turibulum to [[Ianus]], God of doorways, who will open the path between the mortal world and that of the Gods. The Paterfamilias faces northeast.
*Bring the arms down to your sides with hands in manu supina and pray:
'''''Purify my body.'''''
'''''"Salve Iuno Regina (adoratio) te precor quaesoque uti des mihi (the breast is touched with the right hand) domo familiae nostrae firmitatem ac felicitatem in opere nostro."'''''
*Place both hands on the chest, over the heart and pray:
'''''Purify my heart.'''''
*Incense is then burned in the [[turibulum]] to Ivno Regina, Queen of the Gods.
*Take a moment to focus and become fully present and affirm:
'''''It is so.'''''
'''''"Ita Est!"'''''
==The Ritual==
*The Paterfamilias faces east.
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'''''"Salve __________ (insert the names and titles of the patron deities of the gens) (adoratio). Te precor uti sis volens mihi (the breast is touched with the right hand) propitius. Tibi offero hoc thus."'''''
*Approach the Lararium in capite velato, adoratio, and ignite the lucerna, then pray:
'''''Be Thou well, Mother Vesta. May Your flames always guide us to the Gods.'''''
*Incense is then burned in the turibulum to the patron Gods and Goddesses of the Gens.
*Ignite the turibulum and burn some incense, with the right hand over the heart, pray:
'''''Mother Vesta, may all be well this morning/day in the House of __Family and/or Gens Name__.'''''
'''''"Ita est!"'''''
*Pray with both hands manu supina:  (Carmen Salii in Varro Lingua Latina 7.26)
'''''Arise Father Janus, God of Good Beginnings.  Arise, Good Creator.  Arise, Janus the Gatekeeper.'''''
*The Paterfamilias faces north.
*Burn incense in the turibulum and pray:
'''''May this incense find favor with You, Janus.'''''
'''''"Salve Lar Familiaris (adoratio). Salvete Di Penates (adoratio). Salve Geni (the forehead is touched with the right hand). Patris Familias (adoratio). Salve Vesta Mater (adoratio). Vobis offero puro corde hunc panem farreum et vos omnes date mihi (the breast is touched with the right hand) domo, familiae nostrae valetudinem ac felicitatem in opere nostro."'''''
*Adoratio while praying:  (Silius Italicus Punica 7.78-85)
'''''Be Thou well Mother Juno, be present O Queen of the Heavenly Gods. Your sons and daughters of Nova Roma bring forth venerable gifts on this day, the Kalends of ________. May you find favor with Nova Roma, that You may look kindly and favorably upon our families and households. May Your blessings of health, good fortune and happiness be with us always!'''''
*A small piece of [[spelt cake]] and incense are offered.
*Pour a libation and offer a spelt cake with a prayer:  (Cato, De Agricultura 132)(Tibullus IV.6.1 sqq.)
'''''Juno, may You be strengthened by this libation, may You be honored by the small portion of our _______.'''''
'''''"Ita est!'''''
'''''Juno, most chaste Queen of Heaven, in offering you this cake I pray good prayers that You will be gracious and merciful to me and family, my house and household.'''''  
'''''"Ivppiter Pater et vos Dii Invocati, si quidquam fuit vobis ingratum in stipe a me (the breast is touched with the right hand) oblata, accipite hoc piaculum."'''''
*Announce the date of the Nones:
'''''I proclaim, under Juno Covella, the Nones of ________ to be held on the fifth/seventh of ________.'''''
*Incense is then burned in the turibulum as a piaculum (atonement) to Ivppiter and to all the Gods in the event that something had been wrong or for any unintentional mistakes in the rite.
*Honor the Family Gods with some incense and pray:
(adoratio) '''''Hail Lar Familiaris!  May You tend to the family you have established.'''''  (Ennius Annales I.141)
(adoratio) '''''Be ye well, Divine Penates, may You always safeguard our home.'''''  (Plautus Merc ator 834-5)
(anoint with olive oil) '''''Be Thou well Genius/Iuno of the Pater/Materfamilias, may You guide us always.'''''
'''''"Ita vultis ita est!"'''''
*Make an offering of bread drizzled with olive oil and pray:
'''''With this offering of bread and oil, may our family and house be blessed with health, long life, happiness, and good fortune.'''''
*Adoratio while praying:  (Afranius Fabula Togata fr. 11).
'''''I pray by the Gods that everything will be made fortunate.'''''
*The Paterfamilias turns south in a clockwise direction, assumes the adoratio posture, and a closing prayer is spoken.
*Burn some incense while praying manu supina:  (Plautus Rudens 1338-49)
'''''Be well ye Immortal Gods, if I have done anything to violate this rite may You kindly receive this incense in expiation of my mortal error.'''''
'''''"Quod bonum faustum felix fortunatum salutareque sit mihi (the breast is touched with the right hand) Genti ________ (insert gens name) ac nationi Novae Romae Universae. Ita est!"'''''
*Adoratio to the altar and announce:
'''''It is done.'''''
*The Paterfamilias facing north once more at the ''lararium'', touching the altar.
==Other Info==
*The adoratio posture is once more assumed, turning the body from right to left as it is done. The flame of the lucerna or candle is extinguished. The rite is ended.
This Kalends ritual is ab mani Titi Iuliani Neroni
MMDCCLX a.u.c.
You will find above, in parenthetical notations, the primary sources of directly quoted or otherwise inspired prayers.
[[Category:Religio Romana]]
[[Category:Religio Romana]]
[[Category:Religio Romana (Nova Roma)]]
[[Category:Religio Romana (Nova Roma)]]

Revision as of 20:53, 3 December 2007

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The Kalends is the first day of the month in the Roman calendar. On this day in Roma Antiqua, when the slightest crescent of the new moon appeared, the Rex Sacrorum was accompanied by a secondary Pontifex in making a sacrifice in the Curia Calabra on the Capitoline Hill. This sacrifice was made to Juno and also honored Ianus; the prevailing idea being that Ianus, as the God of Good Beginnings, assisted Juno in giving "birth" to the new month.

In the course of this sacrifice, the name of Juno Covella was invoked as the date of the Nones was announced. After the Rex Sacrorum fulfilled his duties in performing this sacrifice, his wife the Regina Sacrorum would perform a sacrifice to Juno in the Regia in the Forum.

While the Collegium Pontificum performed their religious duties on behalf of the Roman State, in every home the Lares of the familia were especially honored on this day.


This ritual is performed in clean clothing; if possible, a clean tunica and toga are best, even better if they are white. The toga should be draped in capite velato, so as to veil the performer from any and all ill omens that might present themselves in the course of the ritual.

  • Wash both hands in clean water and pray:

May this water cast out all impurities from my substance as from lead to gold.

  • Place both hands upon your head and pray:

Purify my mind.

  • Bring the arms down to your sides with hands in manu supina and pray:

Purify my body.

  • Place both hands on the chest, over the heart and pray:

Purify my heart.

  • Take a moment to focus and become fully present and affirm:

It is so.

The Ritual

  • Approach the Lararium in capite velato, adoratio, and ignite the lucerna, then pray:

Be Thou well, Mother Vesta. May Your flames always guide us to the Gods.

  • Ignite the turibulum and burn some incense, with the right hand over the heart, pray:

Mother Vesta, may all be well this morning/day in the House of __Family and/or Gens Name__.

  • Pray with both hands manu supina: (Carmen Salii in Varro Lingua Latina 7.26)

Arise Father Janus, God of Good Beginnings. Arise, Good Creator. Arise, Janus the Gatekeeper.

  • Burn incense in the turibulum and pray:

May this incense find favor with You, Janus.

  • Adoratio while praying: (Silius Italicus Punica 7.78-85)

Be Thou well Mother Juno, be present O Queen of the Heavenly Gods. Your sons and daughters of Nova Roma bring forth venerable gifts on this day, the Kalends of ________. May you find favor with Nova Roma, that You may look kindly and favorably upon our families and households. May Your blessings of health, good fortune and happiness be with us always!

  • Pour a libation and offer a spelt cake with a prayer: (Cato, De Agricultura 132)(Tibullus IV.6.1 sqq.)

Juno, may You be strengthened by this libation, may You be honored by the small portion of our _______.

Juno, most chaste Queen of Heaven, in offering you this cake I pray good prayers that You will be gracious and merciful to me and family, my house and household.

  • Announce the date of the Nones:

I proclaim, under Juno Covella, the Nones of ________ to be held on the fifth/seventh of ________.

  • Honor the Family Gods with some incense and pray:

(adoratio) Hail Lar Familiaris! May You tend to the family you have established. (Ennius Annales I.141)

(adoratio) Be ye well, Divine Penates, may You always safeguard our home. (Plautus Merc ator 834-5)

(anoint with olive oil) Be Thou well Genius/Iuno of the Pater/Materfamilias, may You guide us always.

  • Make an offering of bread drizzled with olive oil and pray:

With this offering of bread and oil, may our family and house be blessed with health, long life, happiness, and good fortune.

  • Adoratio while praying: (Afranius Fabula Togata fr. 11).

I pray by the Gods that everything will be made fortunate.

  • Burn some incense while praying manu supina: (Plautus Rudens 1338-49)

Be well ye Immortal Gods, if I have done anything to violate this rite may You kindly receive this incense in expiation of my mortal error.

  • Adoratio to the altar and announce:

It is done.

Other Info

This Kalends ritual is ab mani Titi Iuliani Neroni MMDCCLX a.u.c.

You will find above, in parenthetical notations, the primary sources of directly quoted or otherwise inspired prayers.

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