Flavius Vedius Germanicus (Election MMDCCLIX)

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Flavius Vedius Germanicus


Salvete Omnes,

After no small amount of thought, and consultation with friends and colleagues in Nova Roma, I once more don the toga candida and announce my intention to stand for the office of Consul of our fair Republic.

Many here are doubtless familiar with my history in Nova Roma. For those who may not be, I am Flavius Vedius Germanicus. Pater Patriae, co-founder of our New Rome. I've served as Consul twice, resigned my Citizenship twice, and served in just about every office we have with the exception of Tribune. I authored (with much help, of course) our Constitution (twice). I've learned much from my experiences here in the New Rome, and would humbly offer my services and experience in its service once more.

I propose three broad programs which I will pursue, should you see fit to elect me to the Curule Chair, all centered around the singular theme of re-energizing our community and making it a much more enjoyable experience, in all its myriad manifestations, for everyone.

First, an emphasis on moving Nova Roma towards being a more real-world community. With some notable (and wonderful) exceptions, most interaction between our cives is online. I believe that the future of Nova Roma lies in the establishment of local groups that meet in the real world, hosting their own events, and building up the bonds of real interaction and community. We did this in New Jersey when I was Governor of Mediatlantica Provincia with great success, and I will do whatever I can to place the tools for doing so in the hands of our cives. Nova Roma can be so much more than websites and email lists; I would like to see it fulfill that potential.

Second, a focus on new Citizens; not only gaining new ones, but helping those who are new to learn about us and figure out how they can get the most out of their Citizenship. For too long we have, so to speak, tossed new Citizens into the pond with the instruction that they had better learn how to swim. There have been some efforts in the right direction, such as the creation of an email list for new Citizens, and the Academia Thules is an excellent resource for cives new and old alike, but I would like to see a more systematic and comprehensive program put in place to allow new Citizens to get the most out of the Republic.In addition, I support the idea of ever more outreach. Ever more visibility. Ever more opportunities to make Nova Roma _the_ place to go for people who share our love of ancient Rome and wish to embrace its modern restoration.

Third, an attempt to focus not on the passage of laws-- which seem to have taken a tendency to become somewhat obscure, unnecessarily complex, and in some cases downright unnecessary-- and concentrate more on the undertaking of actions. Doubtless there are some new laws that will need to get passed, but I will endeavor to ensure that they are simple, reasonable, and add to our collective experience here in Nova Roma. In Roma Antiqua, the passage of laws was a relatively rare thing, and Consuls were men of action. It is my hope that I will be able to act in a similar vein, should I win the support of the People for another term as Consul.

Throughout all of this, I will of course maintain a continued movement of our legal, political, and social institutions towards the splendid example of Roma Antiqua.

May the Gods guide and aid me and our Fair Republic.


Flavius Vedius Germanicus

Pater Patriae



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