Officium Censorium MMDCCLXIX - Edicta

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The edicta in this page were issued during the time of schism between the illegal corporate Nova Roma dictatorship and the non-corporate free Nova-Roma. This edicta was issued by the true free 'non-corporate' Nova Roma magistratus during this time.




Inasmuch as the Senatus Consultum de Ratione Senatus X.C.5.g. stipulates the following:

“If the Princeps Senatus cannot be contacted either between the call to convene and the call to order during a formal meeting of the Senate in session, then the Censors shall appoint a Senator of their choice to act for the princeps senatus during that session only. That Senator should match exactly or as close as possible, in their opinion, the requirements under X.A. Should the Princeps Senatus subsequently declare himself/herself present before the call to close, the appointment of the acting Princeps Senatus shall be automatically terminated.”

in my capacity as the sole Censor of Nova Roma, I am issuing the following unofficial, non-corporate censorial edictum to be enacted as temporary measures, not to be held as binding under the corporate constitution of Nova Roma, Inc. or the regulations of the State of Maine:

I. In my capacity as the sole Censor of Nova Roma, I declare that the current Acting Princeps Senatus, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix, cannot be contacted, because he, as one of the organizers and leaders of a coup d’etat against the Nova Roman Republic, attacked the res publica, the rule of law and the legal order, and the Senate and People of Nova Roma, and by doing so, he removed himself from among the good standing citizens of Nova Roma and from the commonwealth of law and order of Nova Roma; and because, by every reasonable assessment of his character, his involvement in the proceedings of this honorable Council can be expected to be greatly subversive, disruptive and driven by malicious agenda of enforcing only his strictly personal goals on his own advantage, his involvement and contacting him is reasonably expected to provoke his vicious attacks against the law-abiding citizens of Nova Roma, and it would result in his obstructing the procedures of this lawful Senate to the detriment of Nova Roma and to the cause of restoring the res publica; thus I conclude, confirm and declare that contacting the current Acting Princeps Senatus, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix, and involving him into the business of this Order, is impossible, as he is not among the honorable citizens of Nova Roma, as it is dangerous and potentially very harmful, given his and his faction’s agenda; therefore it is against the interests of the Senate and People of Nova Roma, and against the spirit of our laws.

II. In the absence of the official, corporate Acting Princeps Senatus, I appoint Senatrix A. Tullia Scholastica to act as Princeps Senatus during our next session only.

III. This unofficial, non-corporate censorial Edictum shall not have any legal meaning or official status either under the laws of the State of Maine or within the context of Nova Roma, Inc. as a corporation chartered in the State of Maine, USA; however, it shall become an official Edictum of the Nova Roman Censor upon later confirmation by the lawful, legal state and corporate authorities of Nova Roma after order is restored to the Republic.

Datum sub mano mea, hodie Kal. Oct. 2769 AUC (October 1st, 2016).

Publius Annæus Constantinus Placidus Censor



Inasmuch as the Senatus Consultum de Ratione Senatus X.C.5.g. stipulates the following:

“If the Princeps Senatus cannot be contacted either between the call to convene and the call to order during a formal meeting of the Senate in session, then the Censors shall appoint a Senator of their choice to act for the princeps senatus during that session only. That Senator should match exactly or as close as possible, in their opinion, the requirements under X.A. Should the Princeps Senatus subsequently declare himself/herself present before the call to close, the appointment of the acting Princeps Senatus shall be automatically terminated.”

in my capacity as the sole Censor of Nova Roma, I am issuing the following unofficial, non-corporate censorial edictum to be enacted as temporary measures, not to be held as binding under the corporate constitution of Nova Roma, Inc. or the regulations of the State of Maine:

I. In my capacity as the sole Censor of Nova Roma, I declare that the current Acting Princeps Senatus, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix, cannot be contacted, because he, as one of the organizers and leaders of a coup d’état against the Nova Roman Republic, attacked the Res Publica, the rule of law and the legal order, and the Senate and People of Nova Roma, and by doing so, he removed himself from among the good standing citizens of Nova Roma and from the commonwealth of law and order of Nova Roma; and because, by every reasonable assessment of his character, his involvement in the proceedings of this honorable Council can be expected to be greatly subversive, disruptive and driven by malicious agenda of enforcing only his strictly personal goals on his own advantage, his involvement and contacting him is reasonably expected to provoke his vicious attacks against the law-abiding citizens of Nova Roma, and it would result in his obstructing the procedures of this lawful Senate to the detriment of Nova Roma and to the cause of restoring the Res Publica; thus I conclude, confirm and declare that contacting the current Acting Princeps Senatus, L. Cornelius Sulla Felix, and involving him into the business of this Order, is impossible, as he is not among the honorable citizens of Nova Roma, and it is dangerous and potentially very harmful, given his and his faction’s agenda; therefore it is against the interests of the Senate and People of Nova Roma, and against the spirit of our laws.

II. In the absence of the official, corporate Acting Princeps Senatus, I appoint Senatrix A. Tullia Scholastica to act as Princeps Senatus during our next session only.

III. This unofficial, non-corporate censorial Edictum shall not have any legal meaning or official status either under the laws of the State of Maine or within the context of Nova Roma, Inc. as a corporation chartered in the State of Maine, USA; however, it shall become an official Edictum of the Nova Roman Censor upon later confirmation by the lawful, legal state and corporate authorities of Nova Roma after order is restored to the Republic.

Datum sub manu mea, hodie pridie Kalendas Decembris Cn. Lentulo Alexandro T. Domitio Dracone cos. MMDCCLXIX a.u.c. (November 30th, 2016)

Publius Annæus Constantinus Placidus Censor

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