Election MMDCCLXIV (Nova Roma)

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spqr-white-blue-50.gif NOVA ROMA: ELECTION MMDCCLXIV A.U.C.

P. Ullerio C. Equitio coss.



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Calls for plebeian candidates

Ex officio Tribuni Plebis.

A call for Candidates is hereby issued for the offices of Tribuni Plebis and Aediles Plebis. The elected candidates will have their terms of office

begin AVC 2764 a.d. IV Idus Dec. (10 December 2011). Any and all Assidui Plebeian Citizens who wish to serve the Respublica and the People

for the next year shall:

( I ) declare their candidacy to the current Tribuni Plebis at the email address:



( II ) announce their intention to run for office before the Comitia Plebis Tributa:


Announcements of candidacy for these offices that are made to any other official Nova Roma lists are allowed but will not meet the requirements

needed to be recognized as a candidate. All who seek candidacy MUST post their announcement to the Comitia Plebis Tributa.

Eligibility Requirements:

Tribunus Plebis (V positions available)

Candidates must be Cives in good standing for at least six full months before taking office; members of the Plebeian Ordo, Assidui today (28

Nov. 2011), and at least 25 years of age by AUC MMDCCLXIV a.d. IV Idus Dec (10 Dec 2011).

Aedilis Plebis (II positions available)

Candidates must be Cives in good standing for at least six full months before taking office; members of the Plebeian Ordo, Assidui today (28

Nov. 2010), and at least 21 years of age by AUC MMDCCLXIV a.d. IV Idus Dec (10 Dec. 2011). Candidates for Aedilis Plebis must also have

served at least six months as a Tribunus Plebis, Quaestor, Magister Aranearius, Editor Commentariorum, or Provincial Gubenator; or that they

have served as a scribe to one of the current Aediles Plebis for at least six months.

Di vos incolumes custodiant.

C. Aemilius Crassus
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