Election Maius MMDCCLXII (Nova Roma)

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spqr-white-blue-50.gif NOVA ROMA: ELECTION MMDCCLXII A.U.C.

Mense Maius, M. Curiatio M. Iulio cos.



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Consular Call for candidates

I hereby call for candidates to stand for election to the ordinary magistracies of the Comitia Centuriata.

Anyone wishing to serve in any of these positions must have been a citizen for at least six months by Kal. Apr. MMDCCLXII (May 1st, 2009) and be an assiduus (tax-paying) citizen. I will convene the comitia for the elections at the end of April, but candidates are welcome to announce themselves and begin campaigning if they wish.

All potential candidates must contact me with their intention to stand for office directly by sending a message to M.Curiatius.Complutensis at NovaRoma dot org in order to be placed on the ballot. Please include the word "candidate" in the subject of the message, and be sure to tell me your full Nova Roman name. Simply announcing your candidacy to one of the lists shall not be accepted. You must write to me directly.

Candidacies will be accepted until 12 May 2009 (07.00 hrs CET Rome). The contio is tentatively scheduled to begin on 12 May, with the elections to follow tentatively beginning on 20 May.

On behalf of the Res Publica Libera Senatus Populique Novae Romae I, Marcus Curiatius Complutensis, Senior Consul, hereby issue this call for candidates for the following offices:

I CENSOR SUFFECTUS: Must be at least 27 years old as of Kal. Mai. 2762 (May 1st, 2009), must already have served at least six months as a consul, praetor, aedilis, quaestor, tribunus plebis, magister aranearius, editor commentariorum, rogator, or provincial governor and must be assiduus.

Datum sub manu mea ante diem X Kal. Mai M. Curiatio M. Iulio consulibus, in anno AUC MMDCCLXII.


M. Curiatius Complutensis

M. Iulius Severus



Voting Schedule

Today: a.d. III Id. Iun. .

Check the time in Rome

Comitia Centuriata

The Contio will begin at 07:00 hours, Roma time (Central European Time), on 12 May and will last until 17.00 hours, Roma time, on 20 May. During the Contio the diribitores need to select and announce the Centuria Praerogativa. 

The Comitia Centuriata election will follow this schedule:

  • 07:00 hrs CET 25 May: Voting by the Centuria Praerogativa alone begins.
  • 07:00 hrs CET 27 May: Diribitores capture tally of Centuria Praerogativa.
  • 07:00 hrs CET 27 May: Voting by all First Class centuries now permitted.
  • 07:00 hrs CET 30 May: Diribitores capture tally of all First Class centuries.
  • 07:00 hrs CET 30 May: Voting by all centuries now permitted.
  • 17:00 hrs CET 3 June: All voting ends.

The diribitores shall provide reports of the progress of the voting in accordance with the provisions of the LEX FABIA DE RATIONE COMITIORUM CENTURIATORUM.

Candidates should be entered in these templates:

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