Ludi Novi Romani/MMDCCLXII

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Opening of the Ludi Novi Romani

Cn. Iulius Caesar aedilis curulis, omnibus Quiritibus sal.

Today is the first day of the eleven day celebration of Nova Roma's existence. Our respublica has had at times a turbulent past and it means many different things to each citizen. Given the various stresses and strains on such a relatively young structure people could be forgiven for marveling at the fact that Nova Roma still exists, but I happen to believe that it will endure for many a year to come, and whilst it might not always reflect what we imagined when we first assumed our citizenship, it still lives. Each day that the res publica endures is another day that we can move it forward towards our own individual perception of its ideal state, but that requires participation in the life of Nova Roma. I hope that this year will see an increase in the involvement of all of our citizens in the life and activities of Nova Roma, recognizing that only through such participation and engagement will those original hopes and expectations, which usually are far more idealistic than those we hold a few years into citizenship, be achieved.

In recognition of that eleven year milestone as aedilis curulis I declare the opening of the Ludi Novi Romani. Each day for the next eleven days I will post two questions that relate to the history of Nova Roma. To that end I invite you all to participate in this quiz.

Curate, ut valeatis optime!

Cn. Iulius Caesar
aedilis curulis

Nova Roman History Quiz

Welcome to the Ludi Novi Romani, and to our quiz!

To celebrate the 11th anniversary of the founding of Nova Roma, the quiz this time is about our own Nova Roma history.

This is a great opportunity to see how much we can remember, or, for newer citizens, to help you learn about what has happened in our Republic. So please take part, join in the fun, and let's see how much we know, or can find out, about our own past.

There are two questions each day of 11 days representing the 11 years of the existence of the Republic. One mark will be given for each correct answer.


1. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. An extra point may be awarded for an especially detailed and excellent answer.

2. Answers are to be sent to this e-mail address before 6.00 am MT (GMT -7hrs / CET -8hrs) the day following the posting of the questions.

3. The decision of the aedilis is final in interpreting what is and what isn't a correct answer.

The answers should all be found in and around the Nova Roma web pages (old and new).

Good luck and happy hunting.

Questions and Answers

Day 1 (March 1st)

Question #1. Name those citizens who were elected consul of Nova Roma more than once??

Question #2. How many senators were in the original senate at the foundation of Nova Roma, and who were they?

Day 2 (March 2nd)

Question #3. Who is M. Antonius Gryllus Graecus?

Question #4. Why was Fl. Vedius Germanicus appointed dictator of Nova Roma in 2752 AUC?

Note: Due to unavoidable delays in posting these questions - the deadline for submission of answers to questions 3 and 4 is extended to 12.00 pm MT (GMT -7hrs / CET -8hrs) on Tuesday 3rd March.

Final Results

The scores and final positions are:

  • 1st Place:
  • 2nd Place:
  • 3rd Place:

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