America Austrorientalis Edictum III (Nova Roma)

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Edictum Propraetoricum 2754-3 AMERICA AUSTRORIENTALIS PROVINCIA July 27, 2754 a.u.c.


I, Lucius Sicinius Drusus, Propraetor America Austrorientalis, issue the following Edictum to establish the Offices of the Provincia.

1. The Concilium Provincia Shall consist of all Legates appointed to Provincial Offices. A. The Concilium Provincia shall keep the Propraetor informed of the conditions in the Provincia, and offer their advice to the Propraetor.

2. The Following Tittles and Duties are established for the Legates of America Austrorientalis.

3. The Legatus Provincia shall be the chief aide to the Propraetor. The duties of the office shall be: A. To serve as Chairman of the Concilium Provincia. B. To serve as acting Governor when the Propraetor is absent from the Provincia.

4. The Praefectus Fabrum shall oversee relations with the Legions of the Provincia. The duties of the office shall be: A. To assist citizens of the Provincia who wish to join a Legion. B. To assist members of the Legions who wish to become citizens of Nova Roma. C. To coordinate Legion events and Provincial events.

5. The Sacerdos Primus shall oversee the official acts of the Religio for the Provincia. The duties of the office shall be: A. To perform the rites of the Religio on behalf of the Provincia. B. To advise other officials regarding the calendar. C. To assist citizens who wish to perform private rites of the Religio.

6. The Praefectus Regios shall oversee the Regios of the Provincia. The duties of the office shall be: A. To report the conditions of the Regio to the Propraetor. B. To settle disputes between Citizens of the Regio, subject to Appeal to the Propraetor. C. To establish the boundaries of any Municipia within the Regio. D. To settle disputes between the Municipia of the Regio, subject to Appeal to the Propraetor.

7. Each Legate shall have the power to appoint a Scriba to assist him/her.

8. The Following Titles and Duties are established for the Provincial Scribes of America Austrorientalis.

9. The Curator Provincia shall be the chief Scribe of the Provincia. The duties of the office shall be: A. To maintain the Provincial web site. B. To serve as moderator of the Provincial mailing list.

10. The Quinquennalis shall maintain the Album Provincia. The duties of the office shall be: A. To hold a Provincial Census at the discretion of the Propraetor. B. To assist the Consular Quaestors in the collection of taxes from the Provincia.

L. Sicinius Drusus, Propraetor America Austrorientalis