Vicus Complutum (Nova Roma)

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The Oppidum Complutum is a local subdivision of the Provincia Hispania Novae Romae, any Nova Roma citizen who lives inside the geographical limits established by the Foedus shall be admitted to the Oppidum, after submitting a formal request to the local magistrates.

The Oppidum rules are stipulated by FOEDVS DE CONSTITVTIONE CIVITATIS OPPIDI COMPLUTENSISand the Lex Fabia de Oppidis et Municipiis.

At the moment of the constitution of the Oppidum, the following Nova Roman citizens are members of the Provincia Hispania, having requested its membership, and under the requirements:

Marcus Curiatius Complutensis

Gnaeus Salvius Astur

Lucius Minicius Sceptius

Agripina Minicia Tibula

Publius Rutilius Bardulus Hadrianus

The Oppidum Complutum is governed by the two Aediles Oppidi.

The Aediles Oppidi are elected by the Comitia Oppidis, between the 1st of January and the 28th February.

The Oppidum Complutum has his own Maling List where to publish the official announces of the group and the news, events and meetings.