Election Results

Comitia Populi Tributa
07 Aprilis MMDCCLIV

Flavius Vedius Germanicus novaromanis S.P.D.

The results of the recent election in the Comitia Populi Tributa have been reported, and are as follow:

In the election for the post of rogator, 3 tribes voted for Franciscus Apulus Caesar, 10 tribes voted for Domna Claudia Auspicata, 8 tribes voted for Titus Curius Dannicus, 10 tribes tied, 2 tribes abstained, and 2 tribes failed to vote. Domna Claudia Auspicata wins the position.

In the vote on the Lex Vedia de Ratione Comitiorum Populi Tributorum, 31 tribes voted in favor, 1 tribe voted against, 1 tribe abstained, and 2 tribes failed to vote. The lex is passed.

In the vote on the Lex Labienia de Edictium Vigintisexviris, 30 tribes voted in favor, 0 tribes voted against, 2 tribes tied, 1 tribe abstained, and 2 tribes failed to vote. The lex is passed.

My thanks to all who voted, congratulations to Domna Claudia, and condolences to Franciscus Apulus and Titus Curius.


Flavius Vedius Germanicus, Consul

07 Aprilis MMDCCLIV