Election Results

Comitia Centuriata
27 August MMDCCLIV

Flavius Vedius Germanicus novaromani S.P.D.

The voting in the Comitia Centuriata is concluded, and the rogatores have
forwarded the results. I hereby report them to the People.

The Lex Vedia de Ratione Comitiorum Centuriatorum passed. 74 centuries voted
in favor, 4 centuries voted against, 4 centuries abstained, 2 centuries
tied, and the remaining centuries failed to vote.

The Lex Vedia de Privatus Rebus also passed. 67 centuries voted in favor, 9
centuries voted against, 1 century abstained, 5 centuries tied, and the
remaining centuries failed to vote.

Thanks to the Gods for their favor and wisdom, thanks to all those who
participated in the vote, and shame on those who failed to vote.


Flavius Vedius Germanicus,

27 August MMDCCLIV