Election Results

Comitia Centuriata and Comitia Populi Tributa
24 December MMDCCLV

Avete Omnes,

It is my pleasure to bring to you the election results. Before I post the results I would like to take this opportunity to wish each of you a very pleasant holiday season. May the new year bring each of you the best of tidings.

C. Centuriata final results

I regret to say that once again we do not have a Praetor candidate with a clear majority. After tie resolutions, none of the candidates received 26 centuries out of the 51 centuries voting.


51 Centuries voted, with a majority of 26 required under the Lex Cassia Octavia de Ratione Comitiorum Centuriatorum.

Gnaeus Salix Astur 24
Decius Iunius Palladius Invictus 24
Marcus Arminius Maior 21

C. Populi Tributa

QUAESTOR: 32 Tribes voting: (need 18)

Decimus Iunius Silanus received 30 tribes,
Tiberius Galerius Paulinus received 27 tribes and
Claudius Salix Davianus received 26 tribes. All are elected.


Lex Cornelia Octavius de Assidui et Capiti Censi

PASSES with 18 tribes voting yes out of 31 tribes voting

Lex Cornelia de Suffragatoribus Malis

DOES NOT PASS, with 16 tribes voting yes out of 31 tribes voting

Lex Cornelia de Multis Civitatibus

DOES NOT PASS, with 16 tribes voting yes out of 30 tribes voting


Our next years consuls will need to summon the Comitia for our 3rd runoff election. I sincerely hope that our next years consuls consider the two laws that had a majority of the votes cast but did not meet the 18 Tribes required to pass the laws.

My sincere congratulations to all the Quaestors who got elected this time around.

Most Respectfully,

Lucius Cornelius Sulla Felix
Consul of Nova Roma

