I. Article II.D of the constitution is hereby amended to read:

"D. Gentes, Domus, and Familiae. Familiae (households) being the
backbone of Roman society, the prerogatives and responsibilities of the
familia are of primary importance to Nova Roma. Except where
specifically dealt with in this constitution and the law, each familia
shall have the right to determine its own course of action and parents
shall have the undisputed right and responsibility to see to the
education and raising of their children.
1. Each gens (clan) shall be registered with the censors, who
will maintain records of gens membership and other relevant information.
2. No two gentes may have the same nomen. The censors shall be
responsible for ensuring this rule is observed.
3. Each gens shall consist of a minimum of one domus (lineage).
4. No two domus within a gens may have the same cognomen
(surname). The censors shall be responsible for ensuring this rule is
5. Each familia shall have a paterfamilias and / or
materfamilias who shall act as the leader(s) of the family and speak for
it when necessary. The holder(s) of this position must be registered as
such with the censors. The paterfamilias and / or materfamilias may, at
his, her, or their discretion, expel members of his, her, or their
familia, accept new members into it by adoption, or allow members to
form new familiae belonging to the same order.
a. The paterfamilias and / or materfamilias may, at his,
her, or their discretion, exercise the rights enumerated in paragraph
II.B of this Constitution on behalf of impuberes in his, her, or their
familia, with the exception of the right to vote (paragraph II. B. 3.) and
the right to join the Ordo Equester (paragraph II. B. 8.)."

Passed by Comitia Centuriata, Yes-39; No-4; Abstain-8

Senate Approval October 15, 2757

07 October MMDCCLVII

