Preamble. Given that for some of the magistracies of the Res Publica,
run-off elections have proved to be a frequent affair; and given that
those run-off elections mean a serious waste of time and effort both
for our magistrates and our citizenry, this law pursues to reduce the
frequency of those run-off elections by increasing the number of votes
cast by each citizen.

I. The Lex Vedia [Altera] de Ratione Comitiorum Populi Tributorum, paragraph
IV.C is modified to read as follows:
"C. Each Citizen shall have the opportunity to cast a number of votes
equal to one half of the number of vacancies within each magistracy,
rounding fractions up. Citizens shall not be allowed to cast more than
one vote for a single candidate. Citizens may cast a vote for a
candidate not listed on the ballot, or may waive their right to
cast a vote for a given magistracy. Once cast, no vote may be altered,
even with the correct voter identification code. Should multiple votes
be registered with the same voter identification code, only the first
one recorded shall be used when tallying the vote."

II. The Lex Vedia [Altera] de Ratione Comitiorum Populi Tributorum, paragraph
V.A.3 is modified to read as follows:

"3. Should a tie occur within a given tribe, the winner shall be
the candidate who has received the vote of more tribes in total; if
such shall not finally decide the issue, the winner shall be
the candidate who is a paterfamilias or materfamilias. If this second
disposition does not finally solve the issue, the winner shall be
decided by lot. The custodes may decide how such decisions by lot
shall be made in a fair manner."

[In accordance with the Lex Equitia de Vigintisexviris and praetorian edictum, the title "rogatores" in II. above has been changed to "custodes." The rogatores are no longer election officials; the diribitores count votes, and the custodes break ties and certify the elections].

[There are two identically-named laws; the second of these is meant here, and I have specified that with the addition of the word "altera." Both may require a name change].

[A. Tullia Scholastica, scriba praetoris et magistri araneari, 2758].

Passed by Comitia Populi Tributa, Yes-28; No-7; Abstain-x

24 November MMDCCLV

