I, Publius Minius Albucius, Tribune of the Plebs, by the authority 
vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of Nova Roma,

In view of the Constitution of Nova Roma, specially its article 

In view of the announce convening a session of the comitia tributa 
populi, made by the message n° 34280 in Nova Roma main list, 
called « Comitia Populi Tributa Convened », March 22 2758 auc, 11:25 
pm GMT by Consul Ga. Popillius Laenas ;

Considering that this convening is made « to consider and vote on 
the following lex : LEX POPILLIA SENATORIA » ;

Considering that this Lex Popillia Senatoria proposes in its article 
III.F : «  A decision of the censores to remove an existing senator 
from the senate, or of either censor to pass over a citizen for 
addition to the senate, is not subject to any appeal or provocatio 
and cannot be overturned, vetoed, or used as grounds to prosecute 
any current or former censor. » ;

Considering that, forbidding any veto, this proposed lex clearly 
intends to prevent any intercessio, defined by the Constitution of 
Nova Roma as a veto, against such a censorial action ;

Considering that, by this way, the proposed law clearly violates the 
article IV. A. 7.a of this Constitution which states that the 
Tribunes of the Plebs may « (..) pronounce intercessio 
(intercession; a veto) against the actions of any other magistrate 
(with the exception of the dictator and the interrex) (..) » ;

Considering that a censor fulfills this quality of « magistrate » 
according the article IV.A..1 of this Constitution ;

Without needing examining the other parts of the proposed Lex 
Popillia Senatoria,

Edicts :

Article 1

An intercessio is pronounced against the announce convening a 
session of the comitia tributa populi, made by the message n° 34280 
in Nova Roma main list, called « Comitia Populi Tributa Convened », 
March 22 2758 auc, 11:25 pm GMT  by Consul Ga. Popillius Laenas ;

Article 2 

The present intercessio takes effect from its publication within the 
limits of the Constitution and laws of Nova Roma.

Article 3

The appropriate magistrates of Nova Roma and their departments are 
responsible, as far as each one is concerned by the present edict, 
for executing it. This edict which will be published in the 
Tabularium of Nova Roma.

Issued in Caen (Cadomagus), city of the Viducasses, France (Gallia), 
this twenty third day (23) of March, 2005 C.E. (a.d. X Kal. Mart. 
2758), during the consulate of Fr. Apulus Caesar and Ga. Popillius 


