I , Publius Minius Albucius, Tribune of the Plebs, by the authority vested in me by the Constitution and the laws of Nova Roma,

On sight of the Constitution of Nova Roma, specially its article IV.A.5;
On sight of Continuity of the magistracy of the Plebs Grylla law of November, 14 2752;
On sight of Magistracies law of November 22, 1999 ;
On sight of Functions of Aediles of the Plebs Arminia law of June 2, 2004 ;
On sight of Cursus honorum Arminia law of June 2, 2004
On sight of Tribune of the Plebs Fr. Apulus Caesar Edict 29 December 2005 proclaiming the results of Tribute Comices of the Plebs elections.

Edicts :
Article 1 :

The citizens wishing to be candidates to the office of Aedile of the Plebs are called to declare their intention of candidacy.

Article 2 :

The declaration period will last seven (7) days from January 10, 2005 01:00 Rome time to January 17, 2005 01:00 Rome time.

At the end of this period, the list of candidates will be closed and will thus contain the names of the sole candidates which would have declared their candidacy during this period.

This list will be then submitted to the vote of the Tributes Comices of the Plebs.

Article 3 :

Each candidate must declare her/his intention to stand for Aedile of the Plebs office by sending a message to each of the following electronic addresses :

This message must include :

Article 4 :

No candidacy will be taken in account if the candidate :

Article 5 :

The appropriate magistrates of Nova Roma and their departments are responsible, as far as each one is concerned by the present edict, for executing this edict, which will be published in the Tabularium of Nova Roma.

Issued in Caen, city of the Viducasses, France,
this tenth day of January, 2005 C.E. (10 january 2758),
during the consulate of Fr. Apulus Caesar and Ga. Popillius Laenas


