Gladiatorial Combats and Venationes

There will be two classes of combats: Gladiatorial Combats and Venationes. The gladiatorial combats are between gladiators and the venationes is between gladiators and animals or animal vs animal. The players can choose two gladiators, animals or both.

  1. Gladiators' types
    There are six types of gladiators, inspired by the gladiators of the imperial epoch. I say inspired because nowadays we don´t know all the types of gladiators who existed due to the lack of information and the confusion about the armament and protections.

    RETIARIUS: His weapon is the net, the trident and a dagger. His defenses are a protection of arm (manica), that includes the shoulder.
    HOMOPLACHUS: His weapons are a lance and a dagger. His defenses are a closed crest hull, circular small shield and metallic shin pads. His defenses are protection of right arm and he can take a pectoral plate.
    MURMILLO: His weapon is a short sword (gladius). His defenses are a closed great crest hull, rectangular big shield (scutum), protection in right arm and shin pad in left leg.
    THRAEX: His weapon is a curved sword (sicca). His defenses are a closed hull, the crest of the hull has the shape of faucet, a quadrangular small shield (parmula), long metallic shin pads up to the thigh and protection in right arm.
    SECUTOR: His weapon is a short sword (gladius). His defenses are closed smooth hull, rectangular big shield (scutum), protection in right arm and legs. Normally fight only against retiarii.
    DIMACHAERUS: His weapons are two curved swords (siccae). His defenses are protections in arms and legs.

  2. Animals´ Types
    They are six, as the gladiators.
    LION: An african beast of very bad character. Always hungry. Its bite is mortal and its claws are a very sharp threat.
    LEOPARD: More skilful and beautiful than the lion. Nevertheless it has the same character and is very agile.
    WILD BOAR: Pure force of the forest. If it gets angry, nobody is saved. It uses its fangs with lethal trickery.
    BEAR: The bear fasts for months while they are hibernating. Then its hunger is enormous and it is very likely that they like the sweaty meat of the gladiators.
    TIGER: It only thinks of eating people. It is stronger and hungrier than the lion, but it is afraid to the wild boar.
    RHINOCEROS: It is unforseeable, but it´s always angered.

  3. Rules of the Gladiatorial Combats and Venationes.

    3.1. The players can choose TWO gladiators, animals or both for taking part in the Ludi.
    3.2. The player will have to order the aedilis a message with the following information: Name of the gladiator or animal, type of gladiator or animal and finally the tactics, that he will choose among these three:
    1) "Defensive" tactics. It adds one point, but the gladiator or animal has 40 % of probabilities of surviving in case of defeat, because the public does not like these tactics.
    2) "Yourself" tactics. It neither adds nor take points. 50 % of probabilities of which the public asks for the death in case of defeat.
    3) "Total attack" tactics. It reduced one point, but the gladiator or animal has 65 % of probabilities of surviving in case of defeat, because the public likes these tactics. The tactics 1 is troublesome for the public, the 2 is normal and the 3 is flattering for the public. The tactics of every player are secret and only the aedilis and the player must know it. The aedilis and the player will not publicize it before or after the combats.
    3.3. The fitting will be always according to the order of arrival of the messages to the aedilis (first vs second, etc ..). Though two players can ask the aedilis for a combat between their gladiators if they are in agreement.

  4. Classifications

    The maximum accepted of gladiators and animals are 32. The Gladiatorial Combats and Venationes are separated. In the morning the venationes and the combats in the evening. But their rules and calculations are the same. The fights will be pairs and the eliminating will be constant up to the great final in each section, Venationes and Gladiatorial combats.

  5. Calculations of the Gladiatorial Combats and Venationes.

    5.1. A 1-10 dice is roll for every gladiator or animal. The result is the number of combat (CN). Then points are added or reduced on the CN according to the chosen tactics.

    5.2. The CN is modified according to the type of opponent gladiator or animal:

    Retiarius versus: Retiarius (0); Thraex (-2); Murmillo (-1); Dimachaerus (+2); Homoplachus (+1); Secutor (0); leopard (+1); lion (+1); tiger (-1); bear (-2); wild boar (-1)

    Thraex versus: Retiarius (+2); Thraex (0); Murmillo (0); Dimachaerus (+1); Homoplachus (-1); Secutor (-2); leopard (+1); lion (+1); tiger (-2); bear (-1); wild boar (-1)

    Murmillo versus: Retiarius (+1); Thraex (0); Murmillo (0); Dimachaerus (-2); Homoplacus (+2); Secutor (-1); leopard (+1); lion (0); tiger (0); bear (-1); wild boar (+1)

    Dimachaerus versus: Retiarius (-2); Thraex (-1); Murmillo (+2); Dimachaerus (0); Homoplacus (0); Secutor (+1); leopard (-1); lion (-2); tiger (0); bear (0); wild boar (+1)

    Homoplachus versus: Retiarius (-1); Thraex (+1); Murmillo (-2); Dimachaerus (0); Homoplachus (0); Secutor (+2); leopard (-1); lion (+1); tiger (-1); bear (+1); wild boar (0)

    Secutor versus: Retiarius (0); Thraex (+2); Murmillo (+1); Dimachaerus (-1); Homoplachus (-2); Secutor (0); leopard (-2); lion (-1); tiger (+1); bear (+2); wild boar (-1)

    Lion vs: Retiarius (-1); Thraex (-1); Murmillo (0); Dimachaerus (+2); Homoplachus (-1); Secutor (+1); leopard (+1); lion (0); tiger (-2); bear (-1); wild boar (+2)

    Leopard vs: Retiarius (-1); Thraex (-1); Murmillo (-1); Dimachaerus (+1); Homoplachus (+1); Secutor (+2); leopard (0); lion (-1); tiger (-2); bear (+1); wild boar (+2)

    Wild Boar: Retiarius (+1); Thraex (+1); Murmillo (-1); Dimachaerus (-1); Homoplachus (0); Secutor (+1); leopard (-2); lion (-2); tiger (+2); bear (-2); wild boar (0)

    Bear: Retiarius (+2); Thraex (+1); Murmillo (+1); Dimachaerus (0); Homoplachus (-1); Secutor (-2); leopard (-1); lion (-2); tiger (+1); bear (0);
    wild boar (+2)

    Tiger: Retiarius (+1); Thraex (+2); Murmillo (0); Dimachaerus (0); Homoplachus (+1); Secutor (-1); leopard (+2); lion (+2); tiger (0); bear (-1); wild boar (-2)

    Rhinoceros: The nice rhinoceros does not imply calculations. It does a roll 1-100. If it is 1-40 the rival escapes hardly to its onslaught, therefore the rival doesn´t die. If it is 41 to 60 its rival wins incredibly and the gladiator receives the victory. If it is 61 to 100 its rival dies gored and squashed.

    5.3. The gladiator or animal whose CN modified by the type of his opponent is the highest is the winner of the combat. If there is a tie then nobody wins the combat.

    5.4. The spectators of the amphitheatre choose the destiny of the loser: A 1-100 dice is rolled. If the defeated one has chosen tactics 1, he has 40 % of probabilities of surviving (1-40). If his tactics was the 2, he has 50 % (1-50). If his tactics was the 3 he has 65 % (1-65)

  6. Winners

    The animal and gladiator winners will receive the plaudit of all Nova Roma. Their names and that of his/her owner will remain recorded in the collective memory of our city and in the web page of the Ludi.

    Given on March 19 2757, in the year of Consulship of Cn. Salix Astur and Cn. Equitus Marinus

19 March 2757

Emilia Curia Finnica
Aedilis Plebis

