I. Any Nova Roman citizen or socius who is not under Aedilician
sanction may take part in the Ludi Circenses organised by the Aediles
Curules. Each citizen may enter no more than one chariot per ludi.

II. An entrant who wishes to participate in the Ludi Circenses must
send a subscription to D. Octavia Aventina at sacerdosveneris@y...
no less than one week prior to the commencement of the ludi. Each
subscription must bear the subject header "Ludi Circenses" and include
the following information:

A. His/her name in Nova Roma;

B. The name of his/her driver;

C. The name of his/her chariot;

D. His/her tactics for the Quarter and Semifinals;

E. His/her tactics for the Finals;

F. The name of his/her "factio" or team (Albata, Praesina, Russata,
or Veneta);

G. Dirty actions against another factio in a specific round
(quarter-final, semi-final, or final) and amount of sesterces paid in
support of it (an entrant does not have to pay sesterces to commission
a dirty action, but doing so increases the chances of success);

H. Defence against dirty actions in a specific round (quarter-final,
semi-final, or final) and amount of sesterces paid in support of it
(an entrant does not have to pay sesterces to defend against a dirty
action, but doing so decreases the chances of success of the dirty

I. If sesterces from multiple entrants are pooled to take a dirty
action or defend against a dirty action, the subscription of each
entrant of the pool must so indicate.

III. Tactics: Four (4) race tactics are possible:

A. To hurry in the last laps

B. To pass the curves closely the "spina" of the circus.

C. To support a constant pace

D. To lash the rivals

E. To push the rivals to the wall of the circus

F. To hurry in the straight lines

IV. Dirty actions.

A. An entrant can try the assassination of the driver of a rival
factio or the sabotage of his/her chariot.

1. Assassination of the driver of a rival factio. The entrant must
specify which factio he/she attacks. The base chance of success is 30
%. If the attempt fails it is is discovered and the name of the
entrant who commissioned the assassination and those who contributed
sesterces in support of the assassination will be announced and
subject to disciplinary action by the Aediles Curules. Such
disciplinary action may include disqualification from the current
ludi, banning from future ludi for a specified period of time, or
banning from participation in the ludi for the remainder of the year.
The decision of the Aediles Curules in such matters is final. If the
attempt is successful, the player with the murdered driver cannot take
part in the race and the murderer remains undiscovered.

2. Sabotage of a chariot. The entrant must specify which factio
he/she attacks. The base chance is 45 %. If the attempt is
unsuccessful, it is discovered and the name of the entrant who
commissioned the assassination and those who contributed sesterces in
support of the sabotage will be announced and subject to disciplinary
action by the Aediles Curules. Such disciplinary action may include
disqualification from the current ludi, banning from future ludi for a
specified period of time, or banning from participation in the ludi
for the remainder of the year. The decision of the Aediles Curules in
such matters is final. If the attempt is successful, the player with
the broken chariot will have an accident in the race.

B. Defence against and support for dirty actions. Each entrant shall
receive one hundred sesterces for each ludi. These sesterces may be
used in any round of any race, accumulated from race to race, or
accumulated from other entertainments (e.g., official-sponsored
wagering on munera). These sesterces are not redeemable in Nova Roman
or any other currency and may not be used outside the ways specified
in this edictum. The Aediles Curules shall record the number of
sesterces held and expended by each entrant and their computations
shall be final and unappealable. The sesterces may be expended in any
of the following ways:

1. Application of one hundred sesterces by any entrant to defence of
his/her driver and chariot will render the driver and chariot immune
for one round in the ludi;

2. Entrants from the same factio may pool their sesterces for defence
in a round; for every one hundred sesterces pooled, the chance of
success of a dirty action against that factio is reduced by 5% in that

3. Entrants may pool their sesterces for offence in a round; for
every one hundred sesterces pooled, the chance of success of a dirty
action against the targeted factio is increased by 5% in that round.

V. Organisation of Competition.

A. There will be three rounds to each competition: quarter,
semi-finals, and final.

B. The competition will be for elimination in each round. Every race
will involve no more than four entrants.

C. In the Quarter rounds there will be one entrant from each factio
in each race, unless there are too few entrants from a factio to make
this possible. The first two first place entrants shall advance to
the semi-final round; the remaining two entrants will be eliminated.

D. In the Semifinal round the winners of the Quarter rounds shall
compete. The winning entrants of the Semi-final rounds shall advance
to the final.

E. In the Final round the four best players race; the first place
entrant shall be the winner of the ludi.

VI. Computation of victory.

A. Accidents.

1. Before doing the calculations of a race, the Aediles Curules
determine who has an accident. For it, they roll one dice 0-100 for
every chariot. The resultant number will be its percentage of accident:

- The drivers with tactics 1 will have 0 to 15 percentage of accident
always. 0 to 25 if there are one or more drivers with tactics 4 or 5.

- The drivers with tactics 2 will have 0 to 20 percentage of accident
always. 0 to 35 if there are one or more drivers with tactics 4 or 5.

- The drivers with tactics 3 will have 0 to 10 percentage always.

- The drivers with tactics 4 will have 0 to 15 percentage always. 0 to
25 if there are other drivers with tactics 4.

- The drivers with tactics 5 will have 0 to 15 always. 0 to 25 if
there are other drivers with tactics 5.

- The drivers with tactics 6 will have 0 to 5 percentage always. 0 to
20 if there are other drivers with tactics 4 or 5.

B. Calculation of the races.

1. The Aediles Curules shall determine whether any dirty actions are
successful. If a dirty action is determined to be successful, a
chariot shall be eliminated by lot from among the entrants of the
targeted factio and either declare the driver assassinated or that an
accident caused by sabotage has occurred.

2. After determining which chariots (if any) have been eliminated
from a race due to an accident, the Aediles Curules must calculate the
order in which the remaining teams finished the race.

3. The Aediles Curules will roll one die 0-10 for every entrant. This
will be the Value of Race (VR) of every car.

4. To know the final position of a chariot in the race the VR of
every player is divided by the sum of all the VR and the result is
multiplied by 50. This ewstablishes each entrant's Chance to Win (CW).
For example, if there is a race with 4 chariots with these VR: 6,5,4,2
then the first chariot, with the VR 6, would have the following Chance
to to Win: 6/17 (17 is the sum of 6+5+4+2) x 50 = 17.6 (rounding, 18).
The CW of the first chariot will be 18 points. The second chariot,
with VR 5, would have 5/17x50 = 14.7 (rounding, 15), therefore its CW
is 15 points.

5. The tactics modify the CW of the following way:

Tactics 1) +6 points.

Tactics 2) +8 points.

Tactics 3) No points. The tactics 4 and 5 do not affect it.

Tactics 4) +2 points. The tactics 5 do not affect it.

Tactics 5) +2 points. The tactics 4 do not affect it.

Tactics 6) +4 points.

For example, the Aediles Curules assign each entrant a specific range
of numbers out of a series of 100 that is equal to the entrant's
Chance to Win. They assign these team ranges consecutively. In our
sample race, for example, Chariot 1's range (with tactics 2) would be
01 through 25 (18+7). Chariot 2's range (with tactics 4) would be 26
through 40.

6. In the final step the Aediles Curules will roll a die 0-100 to
determine the order of finish. The chariot within whose range the
first dice 0-100 roll falls is the team that finishes the race in
first place. The chariot within whose range the second dice 0-100 roll
falls is the team that finishes the race in second place. The chariot
within whose range the third D100 roll falls is the chariot that
finishes the race in third place, and so on. Once a chariot's position
has been determined, subsequent rolls that fall within its range are
ignored and the Aediles Curules roll again.

VII. Automatic computation of results by computer in accordance with
the rules established herein is permitted.

VIII. This edictum takes effect immediately.

Given on ante diem V Idus Martii in the consulship of Cn. Salix Astur
and Gn. Equitius Marinus.

G. Iulius Scaurus
Aedilis Curulis

M. Iulius Perusianus
Aedilis Curulis

11 March 2757

